Launch of Mobile Display Ads for Attorneys Service
Allentown, PA, September 9, 2016 ( - BusinessCreator, Inc., an established leader in digital marketing for attorneys, today announced the launch of a new, innovative Mobile Display Ads Service, a service created to place attorneys when and where their next client is searching. According to BusinessCreator, Inc. President Edward Kundahl, their Mobile Display Advertising Platform for Attorneys is available immediately by calling 855-943-8736.
"Location is an important component of any law firms' digital marketing strategy," said Kundahl. "We have the most advanced location based mobile advertising solution powered by geo-grid data."
"Location is an important component of any law firms' digital marketing strategy," said Kundahl. "We have the most advanced location based mobile advertising solution powered by geo-grid data."
Edward Kundahl, President
“We leverage location data, predictive intelligence, and real time mobile ad serving technologies into a best in class platform so Personal Injury Lawyers can optimize advertising with real time location intelligence. Location-based mobile tactics generated a 20-40% upside to overall ROI for advertisers that participated in a study done by the Mobile Marketing Association, continued Kundahl.
“Some interesting statistics to consider, 150 Average number of times consumers check their phone each day; 90% of mobile users sleep with their device next to their beds; 71% Smartphone penetration in 2015 and growing; 35 minutes – the average medical practice waiting time before called back – another 9 minutes before the doctor comes in. This is a captive audience to reach with our mobile display ad technology. We have a very high click through rate and conversion thanks to our local intelligent ad placement,” stated Kundahl.
“Our data is precise up to 100 meters for behavioral targeting and pinpoint precision for instant targeting. Using latitude and longitude data is a dramatically more accurate method of targeting than traditional GEO-IP targeting which in turn results in more efficient and higher performing campaigns. The net result is your mobile ad appears on top of mobile apps and mobile websites – only in the locations you choose. We can target those patients and family members waiting in a hospital emergency or waiting room that are using their mobile device,” concluded Kundahl.
More About BusinessCreator, Inc.
Founded in 1994, BusinessCreator, Inc. has helped many law firms grow using digital marketing technologies. The company's mission statement is "We make law firms grow. Ask us how."
To learn more about BusinessCreator, Inc., you should call 610-437-8822 or visit them online at
BusinessCreator, Inc.
Attention: Edward Kundahl
47 North Jefferson Street
Allentown, PA 18102
Phone: 610-437-8822
Fax: 484-709-1851
Email: [email protected]
Source: BusinessCreator, Inc.
Tags: mobile adverstising for PI attorneys, mobile display advertising, mobile marketing for attorneys, personal injury attorney mobile advertising