Launch of Nelio A/B Testing - Conversion Optimization for WordPress Sites

Nelio A/B Testing is a native Split and Multivariate service for WordPress that helps you to increase the revenue of your site by increasing the conversion rate of your visitors, where a conversion can be defined as, for instance, a new sale, a subs

Nelio A/B Testing ( is a native Split and Multivariate service for WordPress that helps you to increase the revenue of your site by increasing the conversion rate of your visitors, where a conversion can be defined as, for instance, a new sale, a subscription to your mailing list, or the visit to a specific page on your site.

Instead of relying on subjective opinions, the algorithms behind Nelio A/B Testing monitor the behaviour of your visitors and automatically tell you which variant of the tested element (for example, your landing page,a post or the theme you use) converts better. You simply create two or more versions of the element you want to optimize and then Nelio takes care of randomly showing the different versions to your visitors to determine the winning alternative. You don't need to care about any statistical details of the experiment (but they are available in case you want to know them). Once you have a winning alternative, you can set it as the default one for everybody in just one click.

Nelio offers "split testing as a service"—all the data collection and processing is done on our backend servers to avoid any performance penalty on your WordPress installation. In order to use our service, you just need to install a plugin on your WordPress site. This plugin integrates seamlessly into your dashboard, providing a well-known interface for defining tests, seeing their progress and results, and applying the winning alternative. In contrast with simple WordPress A/B Testing plugins, Nelio A/B Testing is compatible with cache plugins and permits you to test different elements on your site (such as titles, pages, posts, or themes). In other words, you will not have the need to leave WordPress for testing your site, you will not have the need to learn or use external tools, and you will know that everything just works perfectly fine out of the box.

Subscription plans ( are based on the volume of visitors of your site and the number of domains you can test. Number of tests is unlimited. Consultancy services (review of the conversion strategy of your site, suggestions of possible tests to conduct, ...) are also available.

Don't wait any longer. Use real data to get ahead of your competitors with Nelio A/B Testing.


Tags: conversion optimization, improve conversion, Nelio A/B Testing, Split A/B Testing, WP A/B Testing

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