Launch of New Blog of Marketing Help for Beginners

A new blog was launched recently that will provide beginner marketers with the help and advice they need to become successful at internet marketing and financial success without having to experience the pitfalls. The name of the blog is Pauline's In

Pauline Harding, who is the Site Manager and Author, stated that she saw a need for those entering internet marketing to obtain information from someone who understood their needs and not just a person who wanted to sell them the dream.

"My experiences are ones of someone who has had to sift through the maze of information online to find the gems" she said. A recent follower, Peter Beckenham from Thailand commented on the blog "You have given me inspiration Pauline".

To view this mentoring blog just go to

Pauline Harding has been exploring blogging, internet marketing and building a business online since 2008. She is the author of several blogs in the areas of home, health and family. For information about Pauline, visit her personal page at or she is happy for you to email her at [email protected].



Tags: blogging, internet marketing, internet marketing for beginners

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