Launching Handdy Jotbook - Britain's Simplest Expense (And Income) Organizing Software Application

Handdy Jotbook is a free expense (and income) organizing software launched by Handdy Jotbook gives UK sole proprietors a permanent way to store their expenses (and income) information.

Handdy Jotbook is a free expense (and income) organizing software launched by Handdy Jotbook is a new software developed by a local West Berkshire firm,, a software development. Handdy Jotbook gives UK sole proprietors a permanent way to store their expenses (and income) information.

This software also gives the user a clear picture of their Profit/Loss in the form of charts and graphs. Separate income and expense reports that feature details like "Your top customers" for Income and "Your top suppliers" for Expense are some of its other useful features.

With Handdy Jotbook it is possible to obtain VAT reports and be ready for the tax season. It also gives you detailed Income and Expense statements at just the click of a button. The software does not use accounting jargon making it easy for anyone to understand and use.

"Business owners can now do away with complex accounting software and spreadsheets", says Rajesh, one of the founders of

Supported on Google

This online system is developed on Google app engine servers, thereby letting users enjoy the reliability and security of Google Cloud.

What's more?
The software is currently available for free. No credit card information is required to sign up. It only asks for a first name, last name and E mail id.

Handdy Jotbook is a very simple to use online software app for any small business owner looking to organize their expenses (and income). Visit to learn more.

About is a suite of "Ridiculously simple must have software apps for the self employed business owner"

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9, Cropper Close, Thatcham
Berkshire, RG19 4WE
Tel: +442079932949



Tags: Expense Management Software, Free Online Accounting, Self Employed Bookkeeping Softwa

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