Law Firm Marketing Program May Cause Big Problems For Big Pharma
Online, December 7, 2011 ( - Pharmaceutical manufacturers in the United States are under constant barrage from the big-time mass tort law firms, and it seems the assault is only going to intensify now that The Wholesale Airtime Auction, a weekly fire-sale auction for TV and radio commercials, has developed a new law firm marketing program designed for large mass tort firms. The law firm marketing program is available to law firms that need to reach DMAs/markets on a state-by-state or national level. It is designed to help them reach millions of people that may have been injured by bad drugs while allowing them to do so at 50-97% less than the standard CPM price levels in the United States.
"Our new law firm marketing program was built specifically for the large mass tort law firms," said J. Mike Brown, General Manager at The Wholesale Airtime Auction. "When mass tort firms find a bad drug, they need three things: to put the commercials on the air quickly, with the largest reach, and at the lowest CPM. And as anyone in the media world knows, large reach and low CPMs don't go hand-in-hand...until now. By combining our weekly broadcast TV fire-sale auction with the new law firm marketing program, they can acquire three to five times the reach and average impressions for the same amount of money."
Due to the constant battle in the courts between big pharma and the large mass tort firms, this story is expected to garner a significant amount of attention.
If you are interested in learning more about the launch of this new law firm marketing program being offered by The Wholesale Airtime Auction, you can contact them via one of three options:
"Snail" Mail - 9 E. Loockerman St. Ste. 3A-449, Dover, DE 19901
Internet Web Form -
Office Telephone - (302) 724-6592
Tags: fire-sale airtime auction, law firm marketing, mass tort law firms, radio commercials, wholesale airtime auction