Law Gets Win Rate Analysis Like Baseball - Now You Can Choose the Best Lawyer for Your Situation With Confidence

​The sudden arrival of analytics to law is transforming the way that consumers choose their lawyers. Legal startup, Litigas, is empowering the average consumer to find the best attorney for their case type based on litigation data from Premonition, the world's largest litigation database.
Law and Baseball Analytics

The sudden arrival of analytics to law is transforming the way that consumers choose their lawyers. Legal startup, Litigas, is empowering the average consumer to find the best attorney for their case type based on litigation data from Premonition, the world’s largest litigation database.

Prestige in the legal industry has traditionally been based on law firm brand and peer recognition. However, the arrival of performance analytics is causing a fundamental shift in how lawyers are selected. “Law has historically been a credence good. This means the market relies on elite credentials and firm reputation as a proxy for skill,” explains Professor William Henderson, of Indiana University Maurer School of Law.

"If you are in game seven of the World Series, who would you choose to pitch for your team? You would need to know the strengths and weaknesses of the opposing lineup as well as the strengths and weaknesses of your pitcher. You need to neutralize the opponent and give your team every advantage to win. This is not always obvious and requires sophisticated analytics. This is what Litigas does for lawyers. It helps you choose the best pitcher for the Big Game?"

Nathan Huber, Director at Premonition

Premonition has an Artificial Intelligence system that mines Big Data to find out which lawyers win before which Judges. According to the company, “It is x-ray vision for the courtroom and a very, very unfair advantage in Litigation.” Premonition’s system can identify the best lawyers by actual performance data. win rate, case type, case duration and, most importantly, Judge. The company claims, based on their findings, that the right Lawyer/Judge pairing can, influence the outcome of the case by an average of 30.7%. 

Until recently, this technology has only been available to Fortune 500 companies and major law firms. However, through Litigas, regular consumers can now access this insider information. Litigas, using Premonition’s data, lets regular consumers use the power of sophisticated analytics to choose their lawyer based on actual performance data, just like the largest corporations in the world and legal insiders. 

According to Nathan Huber, Director at Premonition, “If you are in game seven of the World Series, who would you choose to pitch for your team? You would need to know the strengths and weaknesses of the opposing lineup as well as the strengths and weaknesses of your pitcher. You need to neutralize the opponent and give your team every advantage to win. This is not always obvious and requires sophisticated analytics. This is what Litigas does for lawyers. It helps you choose the best pitcher for the Big Game?”

Litigas is answering the nagging question of “How do I find the best lawyer?” It is bringing win-rates to the average consumer and doing it for free.

Learn more about Litigas at

Source: Premonition


Tags: Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Law Firms, Legal Analytics, Legal Services, Legal Tech, Litigation Analytics

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Premonition uses Artificial Intelligence to find which Attorneys usually win before which Judges. We provide big data analytics, real time monitoring of courts and a very, very unfair advantage in Litigation.

Toby Unwin
Co-founder & Chief Inovation Officer, Premonition
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