Law of Attracting Success Reaches AMITY- A Unique initiative by ArtIntelligence
Pay attention to what you are thinking at this very moment now? The law of attracting success i.e. the law of attraction states that "whatever your thought is now, will be attracted in your life and will definitely show up. So be it your career con
Online, April 11, 2010 (
Following the footprints of Chanakya (The Teacher), a professional coaching organization ArtIntelligence Learning Systems delivered a powerful program for faculty members of Amity Business School. The Law of Attraction coach from ArtIntelligence Mr. Manish Sinha shared his research work on the subject along with the real successful case study and daily routine motivational tools.
He explained that people may think that initially this law seems like a new age ideology but whether you believe it or not, it is always working for every single human being without any exception and there is scientific merit for this proposition. Most of the top quantum physicists have discovered now that our universe and our reality is very much directed by the "observer", i.e. our sensory organs and our subconscious mind and hence the creator of our reality, our world and our experience.
These principle and its indications can be seen in our holy books and all our ancient sayings such as "Law of Karma", whatever work you will perform, so be the results waiting for you. So is Law of Attraction, whatever is there in your thought that will be attracted in your life, whether you want it or not. So be cautious when you focus on the negative side of your life, the more negative will be at your door step very soon if you keep continuing your thoughts like that. Law of attraction does not pay attention to your words but it gives results based on your vibrations, you are offering to the world.
Well in the words of Wallace D. Wattles, "The ownership of prosperity in terms of money, health, relationship, peace comes as a result of doing things in a certain way. Those who do things in this certain way, whether knowingly or unknowingly, get a prosperous life. Those who do not do things in this certain way, no matter how hard they work or how able they are, remain poor. It is a natural law that like causes always produces like effects. Therefore, any common person who learns to do things in this certain way will definitely get rich.
In Indian education systems we have excellent framework but still students are confused about their career. They feel lack of support. It seems everyone doubts them. They have accepted alternate choices always. They are being victimized of comparison and correlation. They need real testimony to adopt role model. They are used by someone. Preoccupied with bunch of predictions. Cyber crimes are increasing day by day. In these difficult scenarios if we can teach these principles then definitely they will be at peace and on their way for prosperity.
Now that we have a better understanding of the Law of Attraction, still so many people struggle for having a complete prosperous life. To address this issue, a young entrepreneur took the challenge and decided to go to the root level of India and spread happiness everywhere and launched four self help modules catering the areas of Personal, Child, Business and Corporate Development. These are based on getting services of the Law of Attraction to create dream life. Being a technocrat he included technical twist in it and introduced mind music and mind movies in it as subconscious mind works and captures faster images.
Mr. Ravi Sahay, an NRI who took an initiative and brought recognition to Indian Naturopathy in USA. He gifted his book "My Health is Your Wealth" to Dr. Sunil Saran (Dean Amity Business School). One more book he presented for the library. Quite surprised by his medical treatment he decided to go on naturopathy and cured him from much chronic disease such as sinus, eczemas and others. Mr.Sahay teaches people in USA about naturopathy, jal neti, sutra neti etc. He is a health consultant for many reputed corporations there. Being on the advisory board of ArtIntelligence, he expresses his wishes for the dynamic initiative taken by the corporation that soon it will be a mass movement.
At the event Mr. B.K. Srivastava (Professor & HOD Operation Management) Col. A.K. Rajpal (Sr. Vice President,RBEF), Prof. Alka Munjal (Director, Finance & Strategy), Dr. Janardan Jha (Director) and Prof. Dr. Sanjeev Bansal, (Director MBA,HOD,Ph.D) were also present.
Tags: india, Law of Attraction coaching, Law of attraction Delhi, Professional training and coachi, Subconscious ming reprogramming