Leading Actress Shows Coaches and Consultants How To Take Center Stage in Business

Stephana Johnson, lead actress currently starring in the film "Lily on Saturday" and a renowned communication coach will lead a two day workshop to help women entrepreneurs take center stage in business.

Fear of communicating is one of the toughest hurdles an entrepreneur faces. Yet without stepping up and speaking about the service or products you offer, there might never be clients, cash flow or a business.

"Get Your Business on Center Stage and Have More Clients and Cash Flow" is a full day workshop with an optional add on workshop day for specifically addressing the hidden blocks that keep entrepreneurs from stepping out and speaking up. The workshops will be held in the Pacific North West and hosted by Communication Coach Stephana Johnson.

An introvert by nature, Johnson took on speech and debate electives as well as acting classes to over come her extreme shyness. What started as a way to decrease anxiety in public turned into a passion. Johnson made a career with acting and inspirational speaking that blended well with her counseling and coaching career.

"I'd have no problem hiding out in my cozy apartment, avoiding and making excuses to not go on an audition...that was the sure route to failure." Johnson joined an acting business networking group and learned with other actors to chart the "no's" to get to the "yes". She uses the same approach now.

"You absolutely have to get out there in front of your people, visually, verbally, whether in person or via the web. Every person is now a media hub and every business owner is competing for business. You have to be able to communicate your message. I show you how to do it confidently. "

During the workshop each participant will establish and clarify their message, their client and their brand. The workshop will cover what Johnson calls the "4 Key Communication Cornerstones to More Clients and Cash Flow".

With a limited seating for each workshop, Johnson will provide personal one on one support and attention. Each participant will leave with a complete communication strategy, a marketing plan and their own video expressing their own unique marketing message.

To find out more about the workshop contact [email protected] or call 360-936-3374


Tags: Actress Leads Communication Work, Communication Coach, Communication Workshop, Stephana Johnson

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Inspiring Women To Take Center Stage and Be The Lead In Their Lives, Love and Business.

Stephana Johnson
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P.O. Box 56634
Portland, OR 97318
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