Leading Inspirational Company, Creative Success Launches Its One-of-a-Kind Jewel Of An Idea Focus Program For Female Entrepreneurs And Professionals

The Manifest Your Jewel of an Idea Coaching Group is now taking participants. Ring in the New Year right. Commit, create, connect, and capitalize on your dream project in six weeks.

Leading coaching and consulting company, Creative Success LLC launches its unique Jewel of an Idea program for women. Hosted by best-selling author and creativity coach Gail McMeekin, this limited availability telephone program begins on January 15, 2013.

What is the difference between people who achieve success and those who do not? It is focus. Once we drill down into our never-ending to-do list and select a project that will grow our business or bring us satisfaction, great things can happen. Projects might include developing an e-book or print book, creating an audio or video program, increasing sales, or getting creative work exhibited or licensed. It is about taking your professional or business life to the next level, better serving your customers, and ultimately generating more profits.

The Manifest your Jewel of an Idea Coaching Group can help you to achieve those great things. This program is based around McMeekin's Focus Model which will teach you how to nurture your Fascinations, your Originality, your Courage, your Ultimate vision, and Share your innovation with the right audience. This one-of-a-kind program will also: 1) help activate your creative potential; 2) give you access to profound brainstorming in a supportive environment; and ultimately 3) help you design a plan to bring your "Jewel of an Idea" into a tangible form that your audience will love! If you feel stuck, scared, overwhelmed, or just need quality feedback and direction, this high-level coaching think-tank group will kick your motivation and creativity into high gear.

The group will be divided into six 90-minute group coaching phone calls with McMeekin. You will also get: 1) weekly powerful Musework assignments; 2) a focused Idea Hothouse Forum to present your ideas and receive feedback; 3) individual coaching and e-mail access to McMeekin; as well as 4) a deck of Creativity Courage Cards and two e-books to spark your creativity and motivation. By the end of the program, you will have crystallized your vision, polished your Jewel of an Idea, and moved mountains of resistance.

McMeekin has published four books with Conari Press, including two best-sellers, created two e-books for Kindle, recorded two CDs and an audio workshop, and co-produced a deck of Creativity Courage Cards with her photographer husband. She also has Ideaphoria and has facilitated the creative dreams of thousands of clients.

The Jewel of an Idea focus group is available to women for a limited amount of time at the discounted rate of $797. To find out how to actualize and monetize your creative ideas, please visit CreativeSuccess.com.

About Creative Success and Gail McMeekin Gail McMeekin is the founder and president of Creative Success, LLC, and the author of The 12 Secrets of Highly Successful Women and The Power of Positive Choices. Her work has been featured in Redbook, The Boston Globe, Health, Investor's Business Daily, The Sunday New York Times and other national publications, and she is a frequent guest on radio and television. McMeekin holds an MSW from Boston University, a certificate in Human Resource Management from Bentley College, and completed the coursework for the Coaches Training Institute. She lives in the Boston area with her husband, Rusty. For more information, please visit her at www.creativesuccess.com.


Tags: creativity, focus group, Gail McMeekin, goal setting, new year resolutions

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