Leading Self-Publishing Company Offers Free Publishing and an Advance to One Talented Author During the Holidays

Outskirts Press today announced an exciting opportunity for all authors with completed manuscripts to receive their publishing package free, courtesy of Outskirts Press, along with an advance.

December 1, 2009 - Denver, CO - Outskirts Press, the fastest growing full-service self-publishing and book marketing company, today announced an exciting opportunity for all authors with completed manuscripts. Self-publishing authors who submit their completed manuscript, applicable promotion code, and full publishing package payment to Outskirts Press during the month of December will be automatically eligible to receive their publishing package free, courtesy of Outskirts Press, along with an advance.

All eligible manuscripts will be reviewed by the Outskirts Press review department, and exemplary manuscripts will be watched throughout the publishing process by Outskirts Press executives. The author of the "best" book, as determined by Outskirts Press when the book is published, will receive a 110% credit of the publishing package fee.

"In essence, the 110% credit is a way for the author to receive a free publishing package AND an advance, similar to a traditional publishing deal," stated Outskirts Press CEO Brent Sampson when the announcement was made. "The core difference, of course, is that unlike traditional publishers, Outskirts Press authors always maintain 100% of the rights to their manuscript and receive 100% of the profit from book sales."

Is this the best of both worlds between traditional publication and self-publishing? Even better... Outskirts Press publishes approximately 150 different books each month, making the odds for being accepted as the "best" book more in authors' favor than if they were to submit an unsolicited manuscript to a traditional publishing house. Additionally, the criteria being used to determine the "best" book will be similar to what conventional publishing companies use when determining whether to accept a manuscript.

"Certainly the strength of the writing will play a pivotal role," continued Brent Sampson, "although the overall promise of a book is always based upon the sum of its parts. In addition to quality writing, we will be looking at the copyediting, the book's interior and cover design, and the marketing pieces being put into place by the author."

Fortunately for authors participating in this opportunity, Outskirts Press offers several optional services geared toward improving manuscripts, including editing and custom cover design services, along with post-publication services and products to help launch the publication into the marketplace.

Talented authors who have been waiting for the right time to publish, but dislike the idea of "paying for publishing" owe it to themselves to check out all the details of this one-month opportunity at Outskirts Press. Visit http://outskirtspress.com/monthly_promotion.html for all the details and necessary promotion code.


Tags: book, contest, marketing, Outskirts Press, POD, print on demand, self publish

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Outskirts Press, Inc. offers full service, custom self-publishing services for authors seeking a cost-effective, fast, and flexible way to publish and distribute their books worldwide while retaining all their rights and full creative control.

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