Leading Test Data Management Vendor, Grid-Tools, Continues To Support University Research Projects

Grid-Tools, the leading test data creation and generation, data masking and test data management software vendor, announces its continued support of the Welsh Assembly Government's Access to Masters (ATM) scholarship programme.

In recent years Grid-Tools, who have offices in England, India and USA, as well as Wales, have worked with students at Swansea University, assisting them with Data Visualisation projects, as part of the Access to Masters (ATM) scholarship programme which is backed by the Convergence European Social Fund (ESF) through the Welsh Assembly Government.

Grid-Tools director Huw Price, who himself graduated from Swansea University commented: "We chose to support the programme because it is a great initiative encouraging young people to forge a career in the IT industry."

Over the last twelve months, as part of the scheme, they have been supporting student Daniel Garner's work with machine learning techniques. Daniel will soon be graduating with a BSc Computer Science First Class Honours Degree and will begin his Master of Science degree in October backed by the scholarship programme.

Huw continued: "Daniel has visited our offices in Wales and England on various occasions over the last year to learn from our experienced developers. We are really pleased that he will be graduating with a well deserved First and looking forward to continuing to support him as he works towards his MSc."

As part of the course Daniel will undertake research at Grid-Tools under the supervision of an Industrial Supervisor for three months during the project period. Grid-Tools support the funding application for the MSc and Daniel's work will be part-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) through the European Union's Convergence programme administered by the Welsh Assembly Government.

A benefit of Grid-Tools' involvement in the scheme is the recognition of academic reinforcement for their methodologies, software and algorithms, backing their position as leaders at the forefront of the test data management space.

Grid-Tools is known internationally as the industry leader in data creation, data masking and test data management. Their highly experienced personnel have been writing and developing solutions for large companies in both the private and public sectors for over 30 years.

The Grid-Tools Datamaker™ suite includes a wide range of technologically advanced tools for test data management. Their signature solution, GT Datamaker™, is a revolutionary tool that creates and publishes quality test data from scratch whilst maintaining the relationships and referential integrity of production environments. Cutting-edge and groundbreaking in nature, Datamaker™ offers three methods for managing and generating data for testing and development: database subsetting, data masking and data creation. Datamaker™ also offers end-to-end manageability and enhancement of test data in multiple formats.

The Grid-Tools methodology consists of using a 'data-centric' approach to test data management. Their focus is to ensure the quality of the test data you are using is of the right quality for successful testing and development.


Tags: create test data, data creation, test data management

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Georgina Tilby
Press Contact, Grid-Tools Ltd
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