Lean Supply Chain Program at GA Tech Supply Chain & Logistics Institute Expands Outside US

The Lean Supply Chain Professional Certificate Program from the Georgia Tech Supply Chain & Logistics Institute (SCL) has expanded its offerings to the countries of Panama and Mexico.

The Lean Supply Chain Professional Certificate Program from the Georgia Tech Supply Chain & Logistics Institute (SCL) has expanded its offerings to the countries of Panama and Mexico.

The results-based executive learning program began in February 2010 to meet the needs of companies looking to extend lean from manufacturing into logistics and the supply chain. Originating in Atlanta, the program expanded to Panama in October 2010 and will begin in Mexico this summer.

Focusing on building the lean supply chain professional, the program transforms how supply chain professionals think, act, and lead by teaching them to develop and implement strategic and tactical elements of lean principles in the supply chain in an interactive setting. It is geared toward committed supply chain professionals who want to advance their lean knowledge and drive lean in the supply chain. Participants meet for three days per month for a three-month period while completing a job application project in between courses.

"The continual increase we see in attendance for the Lean Supply Chain series is a testament to the quality of the program," said Carole Bennett, Director of Program Development and Marketing at the SCL. "This August we will kick off the first course with our largest class yet. Even though we receive consistent positive feedback, we are continually working to improve the courses with each new offering. Attendees really enjoy leaving with tools they can use to solve the problems they encounter in their workplaces."

The next series of courses includes:

• Building the Lean Supply Chain Problem Solver | August 9-11, 2011 | Atlanta, GA | 2.1 CEUs
• Building the Lean Supply Chain Professional | September 20-22 | Atlanta, GA | 2.1 CEUs
• Building the Lean Supply Chain Leader | October 18-20 | Atlanta, GA | 2.1 CEUs

For more information on the courses or to register, call Joene Owen at 404-894-2362 or visit http://www.scl.gatech.edu/professional-education/LEAN/.

About the Georgia Tech Supply Chain and Logistics Institute

The Georgia Tech Supply Chain & Logistics Institute (SCL) is the world's largest supply chain and logistics research and education enterprise, globally recognized for its breadth and depth in supply chain and logistics expertise. A unit of Georgia Tech's H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering, SCL has sixty years of active collaboration with industry.


Tags: continuous improvement, lean, lean training, logistics, supply chain, Transportation management

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