Learn How to Select the Right Piezo Actuator at Noliac's Webinar September 24

At the webinar September 24 there is a live introduction to the basics of piezo actuators. Learn about the different actuator designs, and how to select the right actuator for specific applications.

Learn to select the right piezo actuator
The webinar “Actuators for quasi-static applications” (or Actuator I) introduces the different actuator designs and gives insights to select the right actuator for specific applications. The key definitions to get the full understanding of actuators will be explained, and so will the behavior of piezo actuators against a load. The webinar will also examine specific examples of piezo-based applications.

1.5 hours free piezo webinar
Noliac’s webinars are held by two experienced engineers from Noliac giving the participants a thorough knowledge of the basics of piezo actuators. The webinar is live, and with a chat function, the participants can pose questions along the way.

Book a seat now!
There is a limit of 25 participants for each webinar, so sign up now on www.noliac.com!

After booking, a mail with a link will be sent approximately 1 week before the webinar takes place. This webinar takes place on September 24 at 3 pm (Copenhagen time).

Sign up for the Actuator II webinar!
Noliac offers two piezo actuator webinars: Actuator I and Actuator II. Actuator I September 24 covers the basics of piezo actuators, and Actuator II will introduce piezo actuators for dynamic applications.

Sign up for the piezo webinar Actuator II October 29 on http://www.noliac.com


Tags: piezo, piezo actuators, piezo design, piezo webinar

About Noliac A/S

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Noliac holds unique competences in the field of piezoelectric technology. We design, develop and manufacture the total range of piezo products - from powders to mono- and multilayer components and all the way to finished plug-and-play applications.

Lotte Beck
Press Contact Noliac A/S
Noliac A/S
Hejreskovvej (18)
Kvistgaard, Helsingør 3490