LearnerWeb Enterprise LMS Releases Important Tool That Automatically Defines Training Requirements

LearnerWeb Enterprise LMS now has an industry-first functionality called Training Needs Assessment. The tool helps ensure that employees are being trained properly.

MaxIT Corporation has released industry-first functionality, called Training Needs Assessment or TNA, to its flagship product, LearnerWeb Enterprise LMS. The tool was designed to assure that employees are being trained properly based on the specific requirements of their position. For instance, employees working in a laboratory environment are exposed to a unique range of potential safety and health risks. The same applies to employees who operate forklifts or machinery. Attached to a question bank, the TNA can be tailored to a range of positions to assure that each employee exposed to potential health or safety risks knows exactly what training will be required. MaxIT believes this is a giant step forward in helping its EHS clients reduce health and safety risk in the workplace by tying the right training to the position during the right timeframe. Environmental Health and Safety professionals wrestle continuously with how best to assure that employees exposed to health and safety risks are both protected and compliant. The TNA makes that possible.

Phil Baruch, MaxIT Co-founder and Managing Partner, believes that "any organization should now be able to dramatically moderate the risk of non-compliance, but, more importantly, create a safe and healthy workplace environment for their employees. We are also in the process of adapting additional functionality that allows managers to assign training based on the profile of a particular position that can even capture the risks associated by different physical locations. As far as we know, no other enterprise LMS vendor has developed this sort of innovative functionality."

Until now, this has been largely a manual process that required an LMS administrator or training coordinator to make sure each employee was physically assigned the required training from a compliance perspective. Regulatory agencies like OSHA, EPA and state regulators impose a wide range of safety and health regulations organizations must comply with. Regulatory audits are random and any organization found not in compliance during a regulatory audit faces significant citations and fines—and an order for corrective action within a specified period. The TNA is an online questionnaire built into LearnerWeb Enterprise LMS with roughly 20 questions that are answered YES or NO. Using branching logic, an answer may produce an additional question tree, the final completion of which generates an inventory of both required and recommended training. The questions are tied to specific competencies and courses. The completed questionnaire automatically generates and assigns a learning track for employee training. Both supervisors and employees have now become partners invested in a training process to minimize on-the-job risks—with a new level of accountability.

MaxIT Corporation was founded in 1995 and has pioneered numerous technologies in the training and learning management field. Through its flagship technology, the LearnerWeb Enterprise LMS Framework, MaxIT is re-imagining how LMS applications can be deployed as a strategic technology that offers dramatically lower costs, enthusiastic user adoption and a range of new and improved capabilities that raise the standard for learning management. With a range of creative and innovative capabilities, clients can entirely rethink how learning can be delivered and managed. The company also offers subscription-based training content in a number of areas, including Soft Skills, Safety & Health and Microsoft Office. The LMS is also fully compliant with SCORM, AICC and xAPI content.

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For additional information about this topic, please contact Bob Whyte at (512) 202-6579 or e-mail to [email protected] or visit MaxIT on the Web at http://MaxIT.com.


Tags: elearning, LearnerWeb LMS, learning management system, lms, MaxIT

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