Learning Management System Software by Schneide Solutions

U Learn Learning Management System (LMS) is a web based e-learning platform that help organizations to achieve their training requirements with dynamic efficiency.

The product assists Corporate and Institutes to incorporate a comprehensive learning system in their training and education programs.Learning Management System (LMS) is a web based e-learning platform that help organizations to achieve their training requirements with dynamic efficiency. This software is developed by Schneide Solutions.  Schneide Solutions is a world class IT solution provider in Trivandrum and presence in UAE

Learning Management System Features

  • Create User Groups
  • In-built content editor offers HTML formatting, in-line placement of images and videos
  • Dashboard displays key information from various transactions
  • Built-in Authentication / Access control
  • Role based access control
  • Create course based on user roles and recommend applicable courses based on the user roles
  • Auto-reminders on assigned tasks and collection dues
  • Customizable query / reports with data filtering and grouping facility
  • Auto mailers in html format to send notifications at various events
  • Scalable / configurable design
  • Comparative MIS reports for decision making
  • Email / Export / Print reports and score cards
  • Graphical representation of data Bar charts, Pie charts etc.

Schneide Solutions is a world class Website Development and Software Application Service provider based in Thiruvananthapuram, India having presence in USA and UAE. Our web applications are made with perfection and is ready to use from the first day of implementation. Schneide Solutions believes in delivering the best quality services and support to its clients. As experts in the design and development of software systems, we offer continual support from implementation through completion. Having the commitment, passion and dedication to excel we also strive hard to offer the best value propositions to our customers in an accountable and reliable way.

Our proactive approach towards the services we offer is aimed at increasing the efficiency and productivity of organizations by providing timely, accurate intelligence to all stakeholders. Our services also facilitate reduced technology costs, improved decision making, increased business impact and better transparency. Our team of experienced professionals possess in-depth IT domain knowledge and vast experience in the industry and are constantly updated for the latest technology changes; product management, strategy management and business management enabling us to bring out most innovative solutions.


Tags: lms, Software Development, Web Development