LearningPlunge and the Smithsonian's National Portrait Gallery Launch U.S. History Game, HistoryPlunge™

WASHINGTON, June 4, 2019 (Newswire.com) - LearningPlunge Inc., a nonprofit organization focused on education, and the Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery announce the release of HistoryPlunge™. The newly developed card game covers U.S. history from 1492 through today in an exciting and engaging way, incorporating more than 200 portraits of U.S. Presidents and other notable persons from the National Portrait Gallery’s collection. “We are thrilled that this game helps teach U.S. history in part by using many National Portrait Gallery images of people who played important roles in our country’s history,” said Briana Zavadil White, the Portrait Gallery’s Student and Teacher Programs manager.
In addition to cards featuring images from the museum’s collection, HistoryPlunge also includes several hundred other cards containing approximately 4,000 facts regarding U.S. Presidents, important people, entities and institutions, and key events in U.S. history.
For many years, LearningPlunge, a nonprofit organization with a mission to close the knowledge gap and empower children through igniting their passion to learn, has collaborated with schools around the Washington, D.C., region to improve students’ knowledge about the U.S., social skills and critical thinking through its award-winning U.S. geography GeoPlunge® game. LearningPlunge has organized over 25 area-wide GeoPlunge tournaments for thousands of students, including those in underserved communities in the Washington, D.C., area and other areas in the country. Many of those tournaments have been held at the National Portrait Gallery.
HistoryPlunge is modeled after GeoPlunge and includes many levels of play so it can be played by history buffs as well as those with no historical knowledge. It can be played at home or used as an engaging learning tool in classrooms. HistoryPlunge, like GeoPlunge, uses a game-based approach to educate, inspire, boost confidence and, perhaps most simply, make learning fun. The games that can be played with the HistoryPlunge cards are fast-paced and include race games, strategy games and trivia games.
LearningPlunge will hold its first major multi-school HistoryPlunge tournament at different levels of difficulty for children in grades 3 through 12 at the National Portrait Gallery on Nov. 19, 2019, which is the anniversary of President Lincoln’s delivery of the Gettysburg Address. HistoryPlunge can be purchased at www.learningplunge.org.
For more information on HistoryPlunge, contact LearningPlunge at [email protected].
Contact Information:
LearningPlunge Inc.
Robin Hayutin, Executive Director
Telephone: 571-216-7712
Email: [email protected]
Source: LearningPlunge Inc.
Tags: education, gamebasedlearning, games, socialstudies, socialstudiesteachers, teachers, ushistory, uspresidents