Leda Health and SoulfulArt Unveil Community Consent Mural With Scannable Resources for Sexual Assault Survivors

Denver shows support for sexual assault survivors with a scannable mural providing free resources for survivor care and healing

Denver sexual assault survivors have a new way to locate a sexual assault exam or find holistic support after an assault. This weekend, a mural entitled "Celebrating Our Strength" was unveiled at Gamma Gallery, 3000 Brighton Blvd., Denver, Colorado, hosting a message of support and a scannable QR code with on-demand survivor resources.

Since 77% of sexual assault survivors never report or receive care, survivors in Denver are addressing the access gap with the mural to promote consent and the strength of sexual assault survivors. The scannable mural provides quick access to an Exam Location Map, helping survivors instantly locate the closest care centers offering sexual assault exams. It also provides access to virtual Healing Circles for survivors, run by Leda Health. The mural spotlights a message of support from the community, including signatures from survivors and allies and a note that reads "All of us who signed believe you."

Leda Health is a survivor-run company building trauma-informed tools for care and healing. Leda's free, virtual healing circles incorporate sexologists and holistic leaders who use art, music, movement, and meditation to help survivors explore the diversity of healing after assault in small groups online. Leda Health launched Healing Circles at the start of COVID-19 to address the increased need for survivor support during the pandemic when sexual assault rates rose and in-person care declined by 53%. Leda launched a virtual Exam Location Map earlier this summer to help survivors quickly locate the closest care centers offering sexual assault exams. Both resources are available for free at Leda.co or by scanning the mural at Gamma Gallery.

Leda Health partnered with Denver mural artist and sexual assault survivor SoulfulArt, aka Valeriya Mushkaeva, to create "Celebrating Our Strength," inspired to show support for survivors who may feel reluctant to reach out for help. 

Leda Health's co-founder, CEO, and sexual assault survivor Madison Campbell commented on the event, saying, "As a survivor, I know it's really hard to find support. We want every survivor who sees this mural to know that there is a community here who supports you, believes you, and wants you to heal. The free resources will expand, but the message will stay the same: We believe you. You'd be surprised how important it is to hear that as a survivor, and how rarely you do."

The mural was finalized last weekend with help from the Denver community at a free public art event sponsored by Leda Health. 

To learn more about sexual assault or resources being built for and by survivors, view Leda Health's Media Kit or Leda.co. For more information on how your business or university can partner with Leda Health, please contact Claire Courtney, the CMO of Leda Health at [email protected].

Source: Leda Health


Tags: Art Healing, Consent Culture, Leda Health, Madison Campbell, Mural Art, Sexual Assault Survivors, SoulfulArt