Legendary Animal Welfare Activist Asks Animal Lovers for Their Stories to Be Included in Upcoming Book on Pet Life after Death

D.E.L.T.A. Rescue's founder Leo Grillo's forthcoming "Rainbow Bridge Is Real!" recounts personal stories on how our pets stay with us forever.

Iconic animal rescuer Leo Grillo has begun compiling a collection of stories, some of them his own, for the upcoming "Rainbow Bridge Is Real!" book and he is searching for people who would like their beloved pet to be included. Grillo is the founder and long time head of D.EL.T.A. Rescue, the world's largest no-kill, care for life animal sanctuary. It currently houses over 1500 dogs, cats and horses rescued from the wilderness. Now through May 1, 2015, animal lovers are encouraged to send their stories for possible inclusion in this inspiring collection. 

Having personally witnessed thousands of animals peacefully pass away, Grillo gradually realized that the famous "Rainbow Bridge," where humans and their pets would be reunited in the afterlife, was more than just a metaphor. "I am absolutely convinced that Rainbow Bridge really exists. Animals have souls just like us, and they are waiting for the day when we pass over so they can run up to us us again," Grillo said in a statement released today. "If we can share our stories of the animals who are waiting for us in the afterlife, and how they are with us every moment in this life, loving us, we will live with the joy of meeting new animal souls instead of the worry of our own survival. We all survive, we are eternal beings."

People who have similar stories of this deep connection between animals and people are encouraged to send their stories to the contact section of www.deltarescue.org, or write to DR, PO Box 9, Glendale, CA 91209. Every entry will be personally acknowledged, and the people whose stories are chosen for inclusion will receive their own chapter in the book.


Tags: animal rescue, books, non-profit