Lets Be Honest By Co-Author Of Fit For Life, Marilyn Diamond, Wellness, Health And Fitness Expert

Co-Author of Fit For Life, Marilyn Diamond, wellness fitness and health expert shares her message, that we are facing serious issues in our country. In the prevention of diseases in the world, we rank LAST, behind every other developed country.

Look, this message of vanity and fun comes at time when we are facing serious issues in our country. In the prevention of preventable diseases in the world, we rank LAST, behind every other developed country. In the care of children, we hold this same humiliating and unforgivable position. And yet we spend twice as much on health care per capita than any of the other wealthy countries. We have slipped below 47th in longevity behind countries we haughtily consider to be undeveloped.
Most of our governing representatives, from the very top down, are in bed with the system that has caused this, and continues to monopolize our choices. We now begin to experience a worsening condition of how our costly insurance premiums hardly cover the costs of treatments, drugs and dangerously abbreviated hospital stays. Sadly, we see far too much illness in our children, and we see elderly parents struggling to be able to command and/or afford the care and attention they need.
I've come back to share the choice to be sexy for life with you, because when you're sexy, you're strong! You're HEALTHY! It's like love and marriage. You can't have one without the other. An active libido and the ability to look and feel seductive are the antidotes to everything I'm telling you about above. We need more energy to solve these issues, and sexual energy is the root of all energies.
If I can do this closing in on my seventies, you can do this no matter how old you are! What I've come back to share is a precious gift. I'm here because I had the courage to look beyond my first big success, and reinvent myself with a whole new formula. Artists paint more than one painting; performers star in more than one film and musicians create more than one song. I'm a pioneer who leads more than one revolution in health.
I had the courage to stand up and fight for the importance of fresh fruits and vegetables and that was a powerful contribution to make. And I also had the courage to reject what no longer worked for me, to claim my freedom from the myths in Western fitness and the Western culture of dietary disease, and to walk away from deeply ingrained philosophies that were no longer serving me. I Marilyn Diamond stayed out of the limelight deliberately working on this new revolution. Playing with my grandchildren while I Marilyn Diamond did my research with Rock to put together revolutionary action steps toward my destiny to make this comeback for your comeback in this era.
Revolutions can often inaugurate the beginning of a century when necessity and genius spark innovations and breakthroughs that make whatever was going on in the last century pretty much obsolete. In nutrition, fitness, and sexual revitalization, this must happen. My wish is for YOU to feel what I, Marilyn Diamond am talking about. My dream is for YOU to be the living proof.
Learn More At http://www.marilyndiamond.com


Tags: anti-aging, fit for life, fitness, Health, health and fitness, life fitness, Marilyn Diamond, wellness

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