Level One Trauma Center Provides Optimum Care for Southwest Region's Worst Injuries

Banner Good Samaritan has been re-verified as Level One Trauma Center by the American College of Surgeons

If you or a loved one has experienced a mild or moderate injury, an emergency department (ED) is ready with basic emergency services to help you heal. But, if the injury is severe, having fast access to specialized resources and equipment is critical. Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center's trauma team is available 24 hours a day, and has just been reverified as a Level 1 Trauma Center by the American College of Surgeons, providing the highest level of trauma care available.

Trauma is any serious injury caused by an external force, such as a motor vehicle crash, falls, violence, sports- or recreational-related injuries and job-related injuries. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, trauma is the leading cause of death for Americans under age 44 and the number one cause of disability for all age groups.

As a Level I Trauma Center, Banner Good Samaritan has dedicated hospital resources for the management of trauma patients throughout all aspects of their care, including resuscitation, acute care and rehabilitation. Trauma surgeons, dedicated trauma teams of nurses and technicians and anesthesiologists are available 24 hours-a-day, seven days-a-week. Other specialty surgeons, like neurosurgeons, are available within a half hour after they are called. As a Level I Center, Banner Good Sam also demonstrates high standards for trauma care, research and education.

"We are honored to receive this recognition," said Larry Volkmar, Chief Executive Officer of Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center. "This re-verification emphasizes our entire trauma care team's continued commitment to do whatever it takes to ensure the highest quality of care for our patients with major or life-threatening injuries."

"Our trauma program involves multiple disciplines and multiple specialists, all with the goal of ensuring the best patient care," said Dr. Paul Dabrowski, Medical Director of Banner Good Samaritan's Level I Trauma Center. "Each member of our team should be very proud of the role they play in that process and of this achievement."

Located in central Phoenix, 100-year old Banner Good Samaritan is one of the State's biggest and busiest hospitals. The hospital's Level One Trauma Center treated 2,765 patients in 2011, and the Emergency Department treated 62,148 patients. The Banner Good Samaritan trauma center accepts patients from all across Arizona, New Mexico, California, and Mexico.

The CDC-supported research shows a 25% reduction in deaths for severely injured patients who receive care at a Level I trauma center rather than at a non-trauma center.

Established by the American College of Surgeons in 1987, the Committee on Trauma's Consultation/Verification Program for Hospitals promotes the development of trauma centers in which participants provide not only the hospital resources necessary for trauma care, but also the entire spectrum of care to address the needs of all injured patients. The verification program provides confirmation that a trauma center has demonstrated its commitment to providing the highest quality trauma care for all injured patients.


Tags: Banner Good Sam, Banner Good Samaritan, emergency, ER, level 1 trauma, level one trauma, trauma center

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Juliet Gomez
Press Contact, Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center
Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center
1111 E. McDowell Rd.
Phoenix, AZ 85006
United States