Life Insurance In Force In Fifteen Minutes

The Hinerman Group is now offering instant no exam life insurance for ages 35 and under.

There is no doubt that the primary reason people do not buy life insurance is that they have either heard about or experienced the "application process". Just how valid a reason is that? Here's the scenario: You get to deal with an agent you probably don't know and whose true motives are only known to him. He may have your best interest at the forefront of everything he does or he may only be interested in his paycheck. You get an exam, usually, again, by someone you do not know coming to your home or your work to draw blood and obtain a urine specimen. In a best case scenario, your file will then be in underwriting for a few weeks, but more realistically four to six weeks. After waiting throughout the process the application could come back declined or you are offered coverage at a higher rate that you were quoted. Are you having fun yet?

The traditional way of obtaining life insurance through an agent with an exam and full underwriting is still the best way to the very best prices. But what if you could go on-line and only for a few dollars more a month, purchase life insurance from a highly rated company with no agent, no exam and an approval that generally takes no more than fifteen to thirty minutes?

We live in a busy world and there are very few people, especially those under 35 or so, who choose not to spend more money than they need to for the sake of convenience. We have smart phone, pay our bills and shop on-line; we do this because it is convenient. We do not have to interact with anyone that will slow our day down, let alone our life for a few months.

With convenience in mind, Hinerman Group Life Insurance will be offering a competitively priced simplified issue policy online. Ed Hinerman, president of Hinerman Group states, "This is a move away from our long held belief that that what is best for all customers is the lowest cost per thousand. While I still feel strongly in finding the best value for everyone, what I have come to grips with is that not everyone defines value the same. Value for some 30 years old may be defined as quick and easy. Value for a parent wanting life insurance on a child in college might be defined by the ease and convenience of an online transaction. Value for a young couple expecting their first child could be defined by the same day approval and in-force status of the policy."

It all comes down to defining what constitutes the best value in life insurance for your situation and lifestyle. If paying a few dollars more a month means that you can apply, be approved, pay and put a life insurance policy in-force online within minutes is a value to you, then simplified issue is the way to go. If value for you comes as paying the least amount possible for your life insurance then traditional, fully underwritten coverage is the way to go.


Tags: instant insurance, no exam life insurance, simplified issue

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Ed Hinerman
Press Contact, Hinerman Group
Hinerman Group
6399 Loggie Gulch Dr
Salida, CO 81201