Life Science Regulatory Software, InfoStrength, Boasts New Interface and Superior Support

The anticipated release of InfoStrength 5.0 has finally occurred. Boasting new features including improved interface and upgraded servers means a better experience for the user. New clients are invited to contact Russ King, 919.313.3962 for a demo.

The release of InfoStrength Smart Enterprise Suite has made life science compliance and product commercialization easier than ever.

The latest version, InfoStrength 5.0, boasts a more intuitive user interface and maximum support from industry consultants. The new interface seems like a desktop application when, in fact, it is a zero-install SaaS platform.

New Features of InfoStrength 5.0 include:
Unlimited client defined folder structure
Customizable areas for a more personal user experience
New contemporary user interface
Collapsible and expandable modules
Cleaner icons and menus
Easier navigation

"The most exciting part of the latest version of InfoStrength is On-Call Quality Support, the complete service offering that accompanies the product," explained MethodSense CEO and InfoStrength creator, Rita King. On-Call Quality Support professionals prepare, review and maintain client documents, reducing both risk and cost. King added, "MethodSense consultants are eager to share their regulatory and compliance experience with companies navigating US and international regulations."

"When features, support and price are factored, there is nothing on the market that compares to InfoStrength Smart Enterprise Suite 5.0." said MethodSense president, Russ King.

To schedule a product demonstration today, contact Russ King by calling 919.313.3962.

About MethodSense, Inc: MethodSense, developer of InfoStrength Smart Enterprise Suite, is a life science consulting firm, specializing in helping companies bring medical and technological products to market. They guide medical device, biotech and pharmaceutical companies with quality, regulatory and technology solutions. Contact Russ King, 919.313.3962, [email protected].

Summary: The anticipated release of InfoStrength 5.0 has finally occurred. Boasting new features including improved interface and upgraded servers means a better experience for the user. Current users will enjoy the free upgrade with a seamless migration. New clients are invited to contact Russ King, 919.313.3962 for a demo.


Tags: InfoStrength, Life Science Consulting Firm, Life Science Software, MethodSense, Quality Software, regulatory software, Rita King, Russ King

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