"Life With the Suicide Disease: The Story of Rodney Mann" Gets Inclusion in Smashwords Premium Catalog

"Life with the Suicide Disease: The Story of Rodney Mann" is now available through Smashwords in ALL digital formats. Previously exclusive to Amazon and the Kindle app, the eBook version is now available for download on ANY ereader.

Author Michael Shriver has secured inclusion for "Life with the Suicide Disease: The Story of Rodney Mann" in Smashwords Premium Catalog for distribution in multiple ereader formats. Copies for ebook distribution have already shipped to Barnes and Noble, Apple, Kobo, Inktera, Library Direct and more.

"Not everybody has a Kindle. This deal means that anyone can download the book on any device, starting now, without having to go to Amazon, or installing a new app just to read one book."

"Life with the Suicide Disease: The Story of Rodney Mann" originally started as an awareness biography. The author met the subject in a support group for patients that live with RSD/CRPS, an incurable chronic pain disorder with a reputation for suicidal ideation. The result of a seven month long collaboration was this intensely emotional before and after – the never-ending tragedy of a man's life taken over by this disease, and who he was before it happened – his humanity.

It's original release was almost exclusive to a small community of Facebook support groups. "I didn't realize what we had until it was done; the reviews on Amazon describe it better than I ever could. People felt validated. The story grew a new importance. We received an out pour of thank you's, and people asking for a version for their Nooks and iPads."

Through inclusion in Smashwords Premium Catalog, distribution is multiplied; copies have already shipped to over a dozen online retailers. "Life with the Suicide Disease: The Story of Rodney Mann," a once Amazon Exclusive will soon be available through ebook retailers everywhere, on any device.

Michael Shriver is an independent writer, patient advocate, caregiver, and well spouse with a closed Facebook support group for patients with RSD/CRPS. The book, "Life with the Suicide Disease: The Story of Rodney Mann" was born in that group.

Rodney Mann is alive and well as can be, all things considered, and living in California.


Tags: crps, life with the suicide disease, pain management, rodney mann, rsd

About Michael Shriver

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MIchael Shriver: Author of "Life with the Suicide Disease: The Story of Rodney Mann"