Lily Organics, Again, Receives USDA Certification

Lily Organics farm receives USDA Organic Certification for the 5th year.

Lily Organics Skin Care's farm in Colorado, where ingredients for its products are grown, just received USDA Organic Certification for the 5th year in a row, in 2011. The rigorous process of certification takes as long as several hundred hours a year, at least. "The extra farm work alone is several hundred hours, not to mention the lab [where the products are formulated], the documentation, the standards, filling out the hundred plus pages of applications, creating maps, surveys, inventory and the auditing systems," states Lily Morgan, Founder and Formulator of Lily Organics. Before you can even apply for certification, the land must be pristine for at least 3 years.

The reason Lily goes through this every year for her full skin care line is because, "the USDA is the gold standard of the world. No other skin care company on planet Earth meets these standards, or follows these procedures to get the certifications that we do." Not only is Lily Organics farm certified, but they currently have one product on the market that is certified, Lily Organics Kukui Senstive Facial Oil Treatment, and six others that have been approved for certification. Lily feels that getting these certifications for her farm, her products and even her laboratory can "guarantee the customer that they are buying the most superior product with the highest standard and quality."

While many other skin care companies claim to be organic, Lily says there is only one way to know for sure - through certification. "The USDA is what makes organic products legit. When looking for organic products, look for real people that own and run their own companies. Look for people that grow their own ingredients and are in touch with their company, the products and the growing. Look for companies that actually make their own products, not just the ones that outsource. Finally, and most importantly, look for the USDA label."

Lily Morgan is the author of Beauty, Health, and Happiness: A way of Life. She is the founder and formulator of Lily Organics, Fresh, Chemical-free skin care line of facial care products. You can reach her at her website 303- 668-1128.


Tags: all natural skin care, facial skin care, organic skin care, usda organic certification

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PO Box 437
Henderson, CO 80640
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