Lin Schreiber to Write for the Self Improvement Blog

Lin Schreiber, Your Encore Career Coach and Retirement Revolutionary, has joined The Self Improvement Blog as one of its premier authors

For Immediate Release

Lin Schreiber, Your Encore Career Coach and Retirement Revolutionary, has joined The Self Improvement Blog as one of its premier authors and will contribute articles on retirement and careers for those Boomers who wish to start over in something new and exciting.

Lin loves helping self-reliant women reinvent themselves in the next stage of life that she refuses to call "retirement." She passionately believes anything is possible and now is the time to do what you've always wanted to do, whether you want to - or have to - continue to work.

A self-proclaimed Queen of Change, Lin says, "I've navigated some pretty scary transitions in my life. My father's sudden death when I was 20. Getting married 6 weeks before my 40th birthday (yes, I kissed a lot of frogs before finding my prince and no, all the good ones aren't taken.) At the same time, becoming step-mom to two pre-adolescent boys...yikes! Not to mention careers in retail, sales and marketing, public relations, television and mega events production. Oh, and for good luck, I've started three businesses."

Lin is a Professional Certified Coach and a Certified Retirement Coach. Through her business, Revolutionize Retirement™, she helps clients uncover long buried dreams and/or create new ones. Her popular keynotes and workshops, annual Boot Camps at Kripalu Yoga & Health Center, and comprehensive coaching programs have energized, empowered and inspired raving fans around the world.

Lin is featured on the PBS series Boomers™: Redefining Life After Fifty, and is the author of The ABC's of Retiring Retirement. She also hosts the radio show The WOW Zone which airs every Tuesday at 8 AM Pacific Time.

She is also sponsoring The Encore Career TeleSummit for Women 50+ on April 24 - 25, 2010 gathering a group of experts to present the material a woman needs to start a new, lucrative, meaningful career.

About the Self Improvement

The Self Improvement Blog was created because almost everyone wants to be better, do better, achieve more. All real change comes within but many don't know where to find the information or guidance they need to make the changes that bring about the improvement. And many don't know how to work "within." They feature articles about stress and anger management, happiness, self help in all areas and give positive "how tos" on how to accomplish the desired change.

Irene Conlan, Editor, has a Master's degree in Nursing, has taught nursing at two universities, headed up a division in the Arizona State Department of Health Services, has her own hypnotherapy practice and is a proof reader for a national paper on holistic health. She strongly recommends Positive Psychology, and supports everyone's "pursuit of happiness."


Tags: careers, retirement, retirement careers

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