LIPSTICK POWDER N PAINT Unveils New Look & New Editorial Approach
Canada, September 5, 2014 ( - In October of 2012, Founder and Editor-in-Chief Lesley Mirza packed up her lipstick, powder, paint ('n' pugs!) and headed West with her partner-in-crime and Hubster extraordinaire, Faisal. A once-upon-a-time West Coast girl, the move home was an easy one when Faisal was offered an incredible job at the City of Vancouver. So Lesley kissed Toronto goodbye and set off for a new yet familiar adventure by the sea.
A chic and savvy new marketplace, Lesley realized very quickly that her fun-yet-sophisticated journalistic style was in high demand in more than just make-up. Freelance projects began to take her far beyond the beauty seen and into an exciting world of first class destinations, funky fresh five star dining and fabulous spas. She decided to focus on this new exploration of journalism and hit the pause button on LIPSTICK POWDER N PAINT to revamp her brand and her beat.
Rebranding, redesign, research, and content preparation finally completed, Lesley is excited to finally present the brand new LIPSTICK POWDER N PAINT! "The last time the site was rebranded was in 2008 and websites truly need to reflect everything going on in pop-culture in real time, it was time for a rebrand. What people are looking for in a blog has now changed: they want something clean, modern and a variety of great content with social media integration instead of just a stream of blog posts. So I took it all into consideration, asked for constant feedback and developed something incredibly interactive with lots of sorted, clickable content."
A fresh new take on the modern woman (focusing on women 30-50), Lesley's new website reflects her diverse and yet tightly knit breadth of content in a sleek, aesthetic layout. "The design was a constant work in progress and I did it all myself except for the logo which I posted on an RFP site. I chose a Swedish designer whose aesthetic matched my vision and wound up with a wonderful modern representation of my blog that still had my signature pop of pink to keep it fun. The site layout and operations were all me... with a little help from Google and YouTube I coded my way through it. I would send out versions to all of my friends and family, get their critiques and then tweak from there. It was a long and involved process but I am thrilled with the end product."
Readers will enjoy content & contests related to:
• Beauty
• Travel & Spa
• Fashion & Shopping
• Gadgets & Gifts
• Fitness & Health
Lesley Mirza was born in Toronto, raised in England, lived in Australia for a year and naturally was bitten by the travel bug early on. She has done a lot of traveling in her 43 years and enjoys the thrill of seeing new places and meeting new faces. She worked extensively in retail management where she helped to Starbucks in its early stages in Canada. Her last career before blogging full time was in event planning and marketing.
Lesley launched LIPSTICK POWDER N PAINT in 2006 out of her basement in New Westminster, British Columbia. LPNP, launched on and focused purely on beauty content. It was the very first beauty blog in the country, making Lesley the original Canadian Beauty Blogger. Lesley made the move to Toronto in 2007 and completely revamped the blog in 2008 moving it onto WordPress. The site skyrocketed in popularity solidifying LPNP in the Canadian media as the number one blogger in Canada. One of Lesley's greatest accomplishments includes her collaboration with MAC Cosmetics for their blogger collection with a Limited Edition Eye Shadow called "Parisian Skies". The collection sold out immediately.
In October of 2012, Lesley moved back out to Vancouver and closed LPNP to pursue freelancing. She received numerous lucrative offers to sell to well known, established media companies but turned them down as she knew she would return one day bigger and better than ever.
Lesley Mirza
Box 251-1917 West 4th Avenue, Vancouver, BC V6J 1M7
email: [email protected]
twitter: @lesleyemirza
Tags: beauty, blog, Canada, Lesley Mirza, spas, travel