Live Chat Service Offers Detailed Visitor Report

Gone are those days when you had to send emails, messages and attachments to your customers for sales and service.

Live Chat Service Offers Detailed Visitor Report

Gone are those days when you had to send emails, messages and attachments to your customers for sales and service. Today the world deal with a modern technology called "Live Chat", which serves as quick help to site visitors. On the other hand, Mioot Live Chat Software understands customers inclined nature to get quick response and is ready to fill this required demand of visitors. When you go for any live chat system, the most important feature you must look for is whether it offers "visitors report" or not. Many version might offer visitors report, but Mioot Live help stands out by offering you complete detailed visitor report.

Detailed visitor report of Mioot live help offers you complete report of visitors on a day to day basis. First the system tracks all visitors of your website based on navigation habit, location and time spent on each page. Further this can be measured by amicable statistics that offers you to see and analyze data on many aspects like visitors habit, referral statistics, search engine used, and significantly the keywords that visitor used to land into that particular page. All inclusive information is given in the detailed visitor reports that will further help you to determine the reach of the website to particular regions.

Not just that, visitor report can also help you determine visitor surfing habit on your website and keywords analyze will help to locate most used keywords by visitors. Most important factor you can determine is the page from which visitor quit the site and move away. Once you track that page, you have major chance to improve on it so that it helps to retain the visitors. In a nutshell, offers visitor report to facilitate, understand, and analyze customers' activities on live chat software for further improvement!

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Mioot Live Chat,
135 Balamurugan Nagar 3rd St
Velachery, Chennai 42
+91 44 42325077
[email protected]


Tags: livechatsoftware, livehelp, livesupport

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