Live Like Bella® Approves Grant to Aurora Biopharma to Include Children in Their Immunotherapy Trials

Live Like Bella® founded in 2013 has approved a grant to Aurora Biopharma to admit children for the first time into their cutting-edge Immunotherapy research. This is incredible news for the Cancer Community and especially children suffering with the very deadly forms of cancer known as Glioblastoma (Brain Cancer) and Osteocracoma (Bone Cancer) .

Live Like Bella® Childhood Cancer Foundation has approved a grant to Aurora Biopharma, Inc., after extensive scientific review of its novel CAR T treatment, to support future clinical  trials in Glioblastoma and Osteosarcoma for children. Aurora intends to be a leader in the exploding field of Cancer Immunotherapy, with Chimeric Antigen Receptor (“CAR”) T therapy in solid tumor cancers. “Aurora welcomes this grant from the Live Like Bella® Childhood Cancer Foundation to help bring this revolutionary treatment to children battling cancer”, said Robert K. Brooks, Chief Executive Officer of Aurora Biopharma.

This exciting new field of genetically reprogrammed CAR T Treatment involves extracting the immune system T-cell from patients, genetically engineering the T cells with a target antigen to help it recognize tumor cells, and infuse back into the patient, where they seek out and destroy cancer. CAR T has already shown remission rates of up to 80-90% in certain leukemia’s at major cancer centers around the United States. Aurora’s mission is to expand this revolutionary treatment to various solid tumor cancers, where there is a significant unmet medical need.

"Live Like Bella® is proud to support this innovative research initiative which has the promise of bringing forth a new and cutting edge treatment for childhood cancers in the very near future." said Raymond Rodriguez-Torres, Chairman of Live Like Bella® and Bella's daddy.

Raymond Rodriguez-Torres, Chairman of Live Like Bella® and Bella's daddy.

In the US, an estimated 20,000 cases of Glioblastoma (“GBM”) are diagnosed in Adults and Children, a very lethal form of Brain Cancer. CAR T Agent AU-105 completed a Phase I/IIa clinical trial in 16 GBM patients, was well tolerated, and had strong signs of tumor-killing, with significant survival benefit. Aurora is planning a randomized multi-site Phase IIB trial of AU105 in children and adult, Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma delivered intravenously, and a Phase I/II trial in Recurrent Glioblastoma delivered by intracranial injection. Aurora intends to apply to the FDA for “Breakthrough Therapy” and Orphan Status designation.

Osteosarcoma is the most common type of bone cancer in Children and Adolescents. Even after amputation of a limb and chemotherapy, survival is poor. Aurora’s CAR T Therapy AU-105 completed a Phase I/IIa clinical trial in 19 Sarcoma patients, met its endpoints of safety, and also showed very promising signs of tumor killing efficacy. Aurora is planning a Phase IIB trial of its CAR T Cell therapy AU105 in Osteosarcoma.

“Live Like Bella® is proud to support this innovative research initiative which has the promise of bringing forth a new and cutting edge treatment for childhood cancers in the very near future.” said Raymond Rodriguez-Torres, Chairman of Live Like Bella® and Bella’s daddy.

Guillermo R. DeAngulo, M.D., Hematologist-Oncologist at Nicklaus Children's Hospital underscored the importance of this treatment, “Aurora’s planned CAR T Phase II trial is a novel form of immunotherapy for patients with aggressive solid tumors.This is cutting edge and is the only Phase II trial of its kind planned in Glioblastoma, admitting children.”

LIVE LIKE BELLA® CHILDHOOD CANCER FOUNDATION was founded in June 2013 in memory of Bella Rodriguez-Torres, who passed away at the tender age of 10 from Rhabdomyosarcoma, an aggressive childhood cancer. In her six-year battle she inspired millions to #LiveLikeBella and we are dedicated to finding a cure for pediatric cancer by funding innovative pediatric cancer research. Our foundation also provides support for families with children currently in treatment and provides financial assistance for the purchase of a headstone for families who have lost a child to cancer. For more information visit ​

ABOUT AURORA BIOPHARMA, INC., based in Cambridge Massachusetts, is a private company developing and commercializing cancer immunotherapy, with a pipeline of Chimeric Antigen Receptor T cells (“CAR T”), Cancer Vaccines, and Checkpoint Inhibitors. The Company’s team is comprised of experienced leading life science scientists, physicians, and industry professionals. Its website is



Tags: Cancer, Cancer Research, Childhood Cancer, Children, Glioblastoma, Immunotherapy, Live Like Bella®