LiveRunner: Latest in Extensive Background Check Technology's innovative LiveRunner application provides County background check reports in as little as one hour. Information is obtainable from more than two thousand courthouses globally.

Emerge Solutions (eMerge Solutions V3.0), delivered by, a forerunner in background screening resolutions, proudly presents an Internet-based program for every company's screening requirements.

LiveRunner enables a company to connect directly with nearby and global information resources while offering businesses the fastest in background check results.LiveRunner helps businesses and/or employers perform searches faster, which helps them save time, a vital aspect of any company operations.

The organization and management tools provide a company with the capability of controlling every aspect of screening, from A to Z. There is a selection of tools that businesses can customize to suit every requirement and preference, establish limitations, control more than one user and area, modify communication abilities and create program layouts. Now, even more solutions are available with the use of LiveRunner.

Individuals who need to perform cross-searching procedures will encounter reduced errors within the present global reporting databanks which includes unnoticed coverage locations and out-of-date reporting traditions by different courts. Name variation technology also generates outcomes that are otherwise unnoticed with manual searches.

LiveRunner offers the ability to eliminate court runners usually used for manual reporting and it eliminates sluggish completion of background check results. With this newest service, companies will experience thorough background searches and receive speedy results.

In addition to the most recent technological advancements provided with LiveRunner, wants businesses to know that every client can expect the highest standards, as the corporation continues to remain dedicated to offering the finest in Internet-based applications and background screening technology.

Additionally, the leading global provider of background check programs and other business management tools remains devoted to the environment. A focus is made on "Green" efforts in any way possible, including paperless technology that is offered to its clientele.

Businesses that need to perform quick background checks, no matter where the company needs to obtain details from, are now capable of using LiveRunner to ensure the search is performed in a rapid, accurate and comprehensive manner. products and services can also be used for company organization and management as well. LiveRunner is a program businesses will definitely appreciate.


Tags: background check, background check service, background checks

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