Living at Home With Family Might Help With Student Loans Says Ameritech Financial

Moving Struggles

All over the nation, parents are commonly seeing their kids move out at later and later ages or maybe even having to move back in. High housing costs, low income, and burdensome student loan debt amounts are common factors attributing to these problems. Many families try to help relieve a little bit of the financial burden, some ways direct, and others not. Ameritech Financial, a document preparation service company, understands that times can be tough currently for student loan borrowers but that it's okay to rely on family from time to time alongside potentially getting help from an income-driven repayment plan.

By living at home longer or having a chance to move back in with family, student loan borrowers may have the opportunity to save money on rent, utility bills, food costs, and other potentially expensive day to day or monthly needs.  Saving money on those needs can be a step in the right direction towards financial stability for student loan borrowers. “Moving out, depending on where someone lives, can cost a pretty penny. First and maybe last month's rent, whatever the security deposit may need, gas costs, etc. The list for all the potential costs can just go on and on for moving, and saving up for it for in many situations can be harsh,” Said Tom Knickerbocker, executive vice president of Ameritech Financial.

Moving out, depending on where someone lives, can cost a pretty penny. First and maybe last month's rent, whatever the security deposit may need, gas costs, etc. The list for all the potential costs can just go on and on for moving, and saving up for it for in many situations can be harsh.

Tom Knickerbocker, Executive Vice President of Ameritech Financial

Many adults seek out having some sort of place to live and call their own. It’s seen as one of the first milestones of adulthood. But being out on one’s own can be costly and hard to manage.  Living at home with family while also being enrolled in an income-driven repayment plan can give student loan borrowers a chance to get on their feet for whatever direction they’re wanting to head in life. For some, it could mean finally being able to move out on their own or get back into their own place. With help applying for an income-driven repayment plan from Ameritech Financial, federal student loan borrowers might be able to achieve their goal a little bit sooner if they are accepted into an appropriate program. “Times are tough for many Americans right now, financially speaking. Ameritech Financial wants to help people stay on top of their student loans, and aims to assist people as much as it can,” said Knickerbocker.

About Ameritech Financial

Ameritech Financial is a private company located in Rohnert Park, California. Ameritech Financial has already helped thousands of consumers with financial analysis and student loan document preparation to apply for federal student loan repayment programs offered through the Department of Education.

Each Ameritech Financial telephone representative has received the Certified Student Loan Professional certification through the International Association of Professional Debt Arbitrators (IAPDA).

Ameritech Financial prides itself on its exceptional Customer Service.

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Rohnert Park, CA 94928


Source: Ameritech Financial


Tags: at home, federal student loans, income-driven repayment, moving out, student loans

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Ameritech Financial is a document preparation company that helps borrowers enroll in the federal repayment program that matches their individual financial needs, potentially lowers payments and gets them on track for student loan forgiveness.