Living Room Farmer Proves Growing Indoors Reaps Cheap Bounty

Proving possibilities of sustainable living in a rough economy Anthony Higgins, an engineer for a not-for-profit health information organization, has written and published a gardening manual for growing vegetables indoors successfully.

After four years of trial and error, Higgins shares his secrets of self-sustainability. Tomatoes, spinach, peppers, and other crops can be grown successfully by any urban homesteader who follows his gardening recipe.

The book, "Successful Indoor Organic Vegetable Gardening Manual," provides the instruction any would-be grower needs to successfully cultivate vegetables indoors using new techniques and tools. The practice has the potential to compete with grocery stores, which in turn may influence better agriculture practices and quality.

Included in this easy-to-read manual is information about air quality, pollination, fertilization, natural and artificial lighting options. The guide explains in simple terms how to setup a garden and raise vegetables indoors year-round.

"We live in a time when habits of relying on failing systems have come to an end. It's time once again for sustainable living within communities," Higgins said. He is seizing the moment in a questionable economic time to influence better thinking.


Higgins' book can be found at: ISBN number 978-1453684795

For more information, call Anthony Higgins at 208-409-2236, or [email protected]


Tags: indoor cultivation, sustainable living, urban homesteader

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Anthony Higgins
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