Lizanne Corbit Explores Transformation, the Divine Feminine in New Book

Lizanne Corbit M.A. has just released The Night Star: Reflections on the Path of the Divine Feminine. The book contains sacred writings and guidance through the cycle of personal transformation.

In The Night Star, author Lizanne Corbit has taken her own connection to the Sacred Feminine and her years of professional practice and turned them into "a gentle journey" through the transformational process. She offers poetry and words of counsel through each of the stages of the cycle - descent, death, transformation, resurrection and rebirth.

Corbit's spirituality is eclectic, but is based on being connected to your own essence and working from your "soul space." She hopes that readers will find wisdom, guidance and support through the changes and challenges of life in these "sonnets of the Great Mother."

For more than 20 years, Corbit has been a licensed therapist and life coach. She specializes in personal growth and transformation. She helps her clients to overcome obstacles and let go of old paradigms in order to find a sense of purpose and fulfillment in their lives.

Corbit lives with her husband Craig Tessem in Denver. She has her own private practice and facilitates Soul Speaks retreats and workshops. More information can be found at

About the book - The Night Star is published by her company and is distributed through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Ingram and Baker & Taylor, with a list price of $19.95. The eBook is available on Kindle, Nook, Kobo and iBooks for $7.99. Visit her author site at for promotional discounts and a calendar of upcoming events.

There will be a book release celebration and poetry reading at the Rocky Mountain Miracle Center on Friday, March 22, 2013 from 7-9pm. Get a free copy of the book, enjoy refreshments and meet Lizanne. For more information or to register, call (303) 333-5553.


Tags: Denver, divine feminine, personal growth, poetry, Sacred Writing, transformation, women's spirituality

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