Loan Modification Business Steps
Online, December 14, 2009 ( - Forensic Loan Audit of a new way to protect homeowners and to increase the chances of getting a loan modification. Forensic loan audit of the audit of credit and identification of violations of rules on lending and regulations. Once these disorders have been identified and specific law violates quotes you can put it in the report and forward it to the creditor. This will help you get a loan modification because the lender know that this violation.
Creditors are as forensic audit of loan leaving very seriously. Document foresic audit credit first loan documents. Then, going through them looking for violations. Once you have found a violation, can produce a report with findings and forward it to the creditor. offers a software package that helps you to do a forensic audit of the loan. Forensic loan audit software that provides specific laws have been violated, and then export them to report all violations listed and for each specific law, in parentheses. The laws include the laws of quotes from Tila, school and HOEPA.
It will inspect the high cost of mortgage loans and the APR, and checks. The software allows you to run an unlimited number of reports and audits.For more information about Forensic Loan Audit, Mortgage Audit Software visit
Tags: Forensic Loan Audit, Forensic loan auditing, Forensic Loan Software