Local Classifieds are now Just a Click Away

Atlanta, Georgia - May 5, 2010 - A huge percentage of Americans shop online these days, whether it's on an auction based site like Ebay.com, or just an online store, it's just more convenient.

Atlanta, Georgia - May 5, 2010 - A huge percentage of Americans shop online these days, whether it's on an auction based site like Ebay.com, or just an online store, it's just more convenient. Other sites like Craigslist offer person to person contact, with the option of picking the item or items up from an individual. This eliminates the risk of being taken advantage of in many aspects.

There is a new site out, doing the same thing but making it easier. Zhuko.com was just released, a local classifieds site, and is making it possible to search within a certain zip code, or to find buyer and sellers within a certain mile range of you. Looking to get rid of that old washer and dryer quickly? Post the item on Zhuko.com and when someone in your area purchases it, delivery will be a breeze.

Local Classifieds are usually found in newspapers, but why not put those same classifieds on the internet for people to stumble across? The site will broaden the horizons and allow more people to reap the benefit of your local classifieds across the United States.

Quinton Pike
[email protected]


Tags: alabama classifieds, Free Local classifieds, Georgia classifieds

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