Local Dating Service Cautions Daters On The Dangers Of Internet Dating Sites

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania -Local Dating Service, Philadelphia Singles, warns that online dating is living up to its bad reputation!

Philadelphia Singles wants local Philadelphia singles to understand that online dating sites are not safe and secure like many daters are lead to believe. Many daters are simply not aware of the many dangers involved with these online dating sites.

Philadelphia Singles explains, that just by creating a profile and adding a photo of oneself, it's putting personal information out there for the world to see. And, if online daters at all concerned about their confidentiality when it comes to joining, they should be, because they won't receive any confidentiality when it comes to these sites. Everyone will now have access to their personal details and see that they're part of an online dating community, family, friends, co-workers, anyone can see their information.

Online dating sites don't provide any sort of privacy, but a lot of Philadelphia singles overlook the severity of this because they're lured in by the low cost, or free memberships of these sites. But, what they don't realize is that these low costs also mean low safety and security for all members. Since these cheap online dating sites don't provide any criminal background checks, or screening processes, anyone can become a member. Criminals, offenders, and even out of country con-artists can join.

Philadelphia Singles explains that since one never really knows who they're talking to on one of these sites, it's very dangerous, and is not recommended. There are other alternatives to dating, so daters should not subject to the dangers of online dating. For more information on how to date safely, visit;]



Tags: Dating, dating service, Philadelphia, relationships, singles

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