Local Entrepreneur Enters the Public Market

Michael Alden - the founder of Natural Solutions Direct, Inc and 3x Wall Street Journal and USA Today best selling author - has entered the public market with his latest product and marketing campaign for the CBD product line Hempzene.

Natural Solutions Direct, Inc. a premier marketing firm based in Beverly, MA, focuses on selling health and wellness products direct to consumer's on television, radio and the internet. Their latest product line, Hempzene is derived from cannabadiol (CBD), the non-psychoactive compound derived from the hemp plant. 

"I've been anti-cannabis my whole life, but when I learned about hemp-derived CBD 7 years ago I became intrigued with its benefits. CBD doesn't get you high and the benefits are numerous."

CBD seems to be all the rage these days with it being sold everywhere from high-end salons to local gas stations. According to the Brightfield Group research firm the industry is projected to be a 24 billion dollar industry by 2025.

"We are well-positioned to have a real impact on the market because of our current marketing strategies and infrastructure," said Alden. His products are primarily marketed on television which many think is a dying medium. "Some would think that television is in fact dead, however, our customers are 55+ and still watch television and are looking for natural relief. Plus, with COVID-19, viewership has increased exponentially and even in a post-COVID-19 world we anticipate more people watching long-form media."

Alden and his new company Natural Solutions Direct, Inc. has just launched a fundraising campaign, that in many instances is the precursor to going public. In 2012, the JOBS Act created a unique way for companies to test the waters of the public market by raising money under Reg CR. What is unique about Reg CR is that companies can raise money with non-accredited investors giving ordinary citizens an opportunity to participate in the potential upside as an early investor. Think of it as crowdfunding except now the money given to a campaign is actually invested with the company.

"I've never raised money before or even considered it. But I've had close friends and relatives always ask me to invest in my companies and it didn't make sense. My companies have generated hundreds of millions in revenue and our products have helped people all over the world. Now, not only can my friends and family get involved but literally anyone can. It's very exciting." Alden chose to use WeFunder one of the pioneers in the Equity Crowd Funding space and one of the largest.

Alden initially launched the product line on television but has plans to expand into retail, radio and podcasts. His business seems to be well-positioned as most of his employees work from home, the products are made in the USA and address stress, immune, sleep and inflammation.

To learn more visit. https://wefunder.com/hempzene

Media Contact: [email protected]

Source: Natural Solutions Direct, Inc.


Tags: CBD, Crowd Funding, Hemp, Natural Wellness