Local Roofing Contractor Donating Work to Joy Junction

RoofCARE is donating roof repairs to Joy Junction in the 2nd Annual Roof Angel Project, taking place November 7th, 2013.

RoofCARE, New Mexico's sustainable roofing contractor, is conducting their 2nd Annual Roof Angel Project, an event in which they donate roof repairs to a non-profit in need. The event will take place on Thursday, November 7th at the main Joy Junction location, 4500 2nd St. SW, Albuquerque, NM 87105. RoofCARE will be repairing the roof of their Multi-Purpose Building, which has multiple leaks and has been a constant headache for Joy Junction Staff.

RoofCARE is New Mexico's only truly sustainable roofing contractor, meaning they specialize in cost-efficient and sustainable alternatives to roof replacement. They help their customers manage their roofing assets more effectively through maintenance, repair and renovation services. Founded in 2008, RoofCARE has experienced consistent organic growth. The company now services commercial and government clients throughout the state of New Mexico and West Texas, with branches in Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Las Cruces and El Paso. This growth is attributed to a unique approach to the roofing industry, a high level of customer service, and exceptional quality of work.

Joy Junction is one of New Mexico's most active non-profit charitable organizations. They are dedicated to helping homeless men, women and children in Albuquerque by providing food, clothing, shelter and safety. Each year, Joy Junction serves about 200,000 meals to those in need and also runs New Mexico's largest emergency homeless shelter with the help and support of the local community.

Last year, RoofCARE's El Paso Branch donated their services to the Center Against Family Violence (CAFV). They made repairs to a CAFV Housing Facility on October 13 and brought in the local Kiwanis Club to hold a clothing, food and supplies drive and provide lunch to the RoofCARE crew. An example of the coverage can be seen here:

Please contact Jonathan Small, Marketing Director at RoofCARE with any questions (505.246.6960 or jonathan@roofcare.us).


Tags: albuquerque, angel, care, donating, fixing, Helping, joy junction, local, New Mexico, non-profit, project, repairs, roof, Roofcare, roofing, services

About Roofcare

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RoofCARE is a sustainable commercial roofing contractor. They specialize in cost-efficient roofing solutions to avoid premature roof replacement. They take pride in producing the utmost quality work and delivering exceptional customer service.

Jonathan Small
Marketing Director, Roofcare
14810 Central Ave SE (Ste 100)
Albuquerque, NM 87123
United States