Local Teen Board Promotes Real Role "Models"
Online, April 18, 2011 (Newswire.com) - The Tucker Teen Board is an outgoing, high-energy group of individuals, ages 13 to 19, who participate in various events throughout the year, June through May, while promoting Tucker Model & Talent. This unique opportunity provides a great way to gain valuable experience while helping others achieve goals through positive model and talent programs. Unlike modeling classes, Team Members receive advanced training in preparing for a future in the model and talent industry. This personal hands-on training and development, allows Jennifer to work more closely with models that have potential for placement in a larger market.
Since forming in 2010, Tucker has recognized fifteen local teens based on their interest in modeling and acting, paired with exceptional grades, outgoing attitude, and a professional work ethic. Teen board members have participated in trade show promotions, film castings, community events, commercial auditions, fashion shows, and even appeared in a supporting role in a SAG film, The Wise Kids.
Tags: castings, Hilton Head, jennifer tucker, teens, tucker marcom, tucker model talent