Local Toastmasters Make This Bold Claim-

"We Will Turn Anyone In The South Florida Area Into A Guinness World Record Holder in 80 Hours Through Public Speaking"

That's what newly appointed District 47 Toastmasters Public Relations Officer Myrna Brooks claims. She's looking for "...a few good men, and women who dream of breaking a Guinness world record, but don't see a way to turn that dream into reality." She's going to show them how to reach that dream - in the world's longest non-stop speech-a-thon.

Brooks is on a mission. She's out to prove that anyone can be a public speaker. The dream of successfully speaking in public is alive and well, and still available to anyone who wants it. She'd also like to correct some common misconceptions that prevent people from even getting started toward their dream of speaking in public. For example, she says that the "recipe" for public speaking, the world's number one fear, is to just do it.

"Public speaking success depends on three things: desire, support and practice," says Ms. Brooks. "You bring the desire, we'll provide the support and the opportunity to practice.

The District 47 speech-a-thon challenge is open to anyone, regardless of race,sex, age (18 or over), or national origin. From Thursday, June 10-Sunday, June 13,2010 , District 47 Toastmasters (S. Florida) will be holding this event at the Embassy Suites in Ft. Lauderdale.

Anyone interested in further information can contact Ms. Brooks at [email protected] or 561-283-4772.


Tags: break world record, guinness world record, public speaking, speak-a-thon, speakathon, toastmasters

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Myrna Brooks
Press Contact, Toastmasters International
Toastmasters International
10299 Southern Blvd
West Palm Beach, FL 33409