Logistic Market Tendencies: Decision-Making Efficiency Takes The 2nd Place
Online, December 19, 2012 (Newswire.com)
The experts at TELS, an international logistics company, has analyzed the annual
monitoring results of their clients' satisfaction with the company's services. For a few years TELS
has been employing the SERQUAL analytic methods, which allows to analyze the criteria for clients'
satisfaction in terms of the market dynamics.
During the past years the top-3 criteria defined by cargo carriers as the most important ones while
cooperating with freight forwarders have included a freight forwarder's financial security and reputation
among others. In 2012, for the first time ever, these criteria have been joined by another one, i.e. a
freight-forwarder's "decision-making efficiency, including force majeure". This introduction says much
about the current market state, where everyone involved in market processes is expected to accelerate
its adjustability to ever-changing terms of operation, while the world's economic recession slows down
these processes.
The monitoring results related to the company's cooperation with cargo carrying partners revealed
that by a number of criteria TELS has exceeded the partners' expectations. The satisfaction index
has increased by 1.5 times, which shows that the company's cooperation terms and performance
were found more favorable for international cargo carriers than in 2011, while developing faster than
partners' expectations have been increasing. TELS Group of Companies has received the highest marks
for its financial security, positive partnership experience, professional and qualified staff, reputation on
the market and the atmosphere of credibility and mutual understanding.
"Despite its 10-year history, our company keeps developing, since it is a guarantee of dynamic and
positive performance on the international market. Meeting and exceeding our partners' and clients'
expectations, we are able to stay competitive", - comments one of the company's representatives.
About the company
TELS Group of Companies is an international freight forwarder that delivers such services, as uni- and
multimodal transportation by road, sea, air and railroad, as well as groupage and dangerous cargo
transportation. The company has a vast warehousing network and a truck fleet to ensure faster and
safer services.
United Kingdom, London
T.E.L.S. Transeuropean Logistic
Services Ltd.
Suite 4, 11 Rosemont Road, Hampstead,
LondonNW3 6NG, United Kingdom
Tel.: +44 (0) 20 7431 3800
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7433 3160
Е-mail: [email protected]
Tags: Freight Forwarder, TELS, transportation