Looking For Love? The Volunteer Ministers Of Tampa Offer Free On-Line Course To Help You Have A Happy Valentines' Day

Looking for love but don't know where to find it? In honor of Valentine's Day, the Volunteer Ministers of the Church of Scientology are directing the lovelorn to their website for the free Marriage Course, now available on line.

With Valentine's Day right around the corner, those who are looking for love may find themselves lost in a morass of advice - after all, there are more than 209 million on-line sites dedicated to finding the perfect mate. To help a person figure out for themselves how to start and maintain a successful relationship, the Volunteer Ministers of the Church of Scientology are directing the general public to their website, for a free on-line course on Marriage.

"When someone begins on that arrangement called marriage, he is getting into something which is, to say the least, adventurous," wrote Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard in the introduction to the course. "When a couple get married, they are doing something they know nothing about. And from all indications, when they have tried it more than once, they know no more about it the second time than they did the first."

"Divorce rates in Florida are among the highest in the country," said Pat Harney, who oversees the work of the Volunteer Ministers in the Tampa Bay area. "If a person wants to get married, the statistics can make you feel hopeless. But what if you were able to easily tell if someone was compatible? What if you knew how to put the relationship back on the rails when you sense that it is going off? The Volunteer Ministers Marriage course takes a lot of the guess-work out of relationships."

Harney added that the fundamentals covered in the course can apply to any relationship, whether or not marriage is even in the picture. The course is short and includes a short video to help illustrate the text. There is also a short exam that asks for practical application. Those who finish the course are sent a certificate of completion.

According to Harney, an increased ability to understand and be understood is not the only option on the site, which includes free courses on conflict resolution, integrity and honesty, how to overcome a dangerous environment and the basics of organization.

For more information, please go to the Volunteer Ministers website at www.volunteerministers.org or call the Volunteer Minister Director at the Church of Scientology of Tampa at 813-872-0722.


Tags: Church of Scientology, marriage, relationships, valentine's day, Volunteer Ministers

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