Los Angeles Film Studies Center and Hero Pictures International Announce A New Seminar On Film Finance For Independent Films

This seminar, jointly developed with noted author and entrepreneur, Jeffrey Taylor, helps young and inexperienced independent filmmakers learn how to get the funding they need to make their independent film.

Let's assume that you have a great script, know many people in the film industry, and still can't your project off the ground. What can you do about it? What's stopping you from going to the next level?

If you are like most aspiring moviemakers, you have produced your promos/trailers, worked the film festival circuit, attended film finance conferences and talked to anyone who will listen to you -- and many people have shown a tremendous amount of interest. Yet, they do not want to put their own money into your film or do not want to open the door to people who might be willing to put money into your project.

Independent moviemakers do not fail because they make bad movies; they fail because either they run out of money during the film production process or they fail to raise enough money to cover their costs to market their movie appropriately and effectively. In either case, the independent moviemaker fails to develop a long-term strategy that allows him to make movies as a life-long career.

Hero Pictures, an Oscar-producing film company, presents millionaire film investor Jeffrey Taylor in "How to Get the Money to Make Your Independent Film"

... an eight hour "intense yet funny" seminar on how to persuade private investors to finance your "dream" project ...

Early bird registration fee of $99 (normally $125 per person) expires Jan 12. To learn more please visit http://www.heropicturesinternational.com/workshops/


Tags: film finance, independent film, independent films

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Jeffrey Taylor
Press Contact, Film Finance For Beginners
Film Finance For Beginners
4844 E Andora Dr
Scottsdale, AZ 85254