Lots of Style Presents Monthly Contest For Fashion Stylists Worldwide

Wardrobe Stylists are invited to join Lots of Style free and participate in Contest. Winners receive cash prizes and maximum exposure.

Lots of Style (LoS), the 1st and only global network specifically created to allow fashion stylists to showcase their portfolios to prospective clients around the world, will launch its 1st online Monthly Contest for Fashion Stylists on March 30, 2010. It's absolutely free to join and winners receive cash prize and worldwide exposure as the month's featured stylist on http://www.lotsofstyle.com.

As a wardrobe stylist it can be hard trying to get the exposure and recognition you need to secure a successful career within the fashion world. Such promotion can not only be costly but time consuming as well. By joining Lots of Style's Monthly Fashion Stylist Contest you will be able to show off your style, save money and place LoS in charge of promoting for you free of cost.

If you think you have what it takes to compete against some of the 'hottest' stylists around the world visit http://www.lotsofstyle.wordpress.com for more details and to register. You have absolutely nothing to lose, just the opportunity to gain maximum exposure and brand who you are as a stylist and get paid!


Tags: fashion, fashion stylist photos, fashion stylist contest, fashion stylists, free to join, lots of style contest, style, wardrobe stylist contest, wardrobe stylists, winners get cash prize

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