Love Our Students - Saving America's High Schools Campaign
Las Vegas, Nevada: Linda Baxter, Co-Founder, K & L Baxter Family Foundation, and public charities Made in America and Green Global has launched an Indiegogo crowd funding campaign to fund support to Saving America's High Schools. The purpose of the campaign is to provide needed financial support for at-risk high schools, with graduation rates of less than 80%, to expand their career and technical education programs, Students in Manufacturing and Teach The Teachers Manufacturing, ultimately engaging students in education and improving high school graduation rates.
"Our confidence of Mission and our tradition of conservative fiscal management have positioned us to meet the demands of our students today and the demands of their children tomorrow," Linda Baxter, Founder. America needs for the opening of entrepreneurships, cottage industries and manufacturing doors to show the country's next generation what the reality is. The trail-end of the baby boomers are waiting with open arms to mentor these young people to take over and lead our country back to a time of manufacturing dominance. To bring production back to the USA, we need more of the best and brightest to design and make products. Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) programs need to be supported to succeed.
Made in America will institute collaborative programs with local manufacturers, community groups and school districts. The manufacturing sector will identify need-based skill sets while educators provide students with expanded technical and education programs targeting skills training and supportive professional development in an effort to provide a career-ready workforce. Re-educating the public on the modern face of manufacturing will aid in inciting renewed interest and growth in the sector while acting as a catalyst for public policy and regulatory change. This is a win-win situation and imperative to economic recovery in the United States.
"Research repeatedly demonstrates that if we all buy just 5% more USA products we will create one million new jobs directly and one million new jobs indirectly," proclaimed Ken Baxter, Co-Founder, K & L Baxter Family Foundation, and public charities Made in America and Green Global.
"Made in America is dedicated to rebuilding the very industries that built this great nation. Manufacturing is the backbone of this country, the very engine of our economy. Made in America's education programs will rekindle relationships between schools and business by providing turnkey prototypes solutions. The failure to complete high school education is directly linked to the person's income, which affects the individual's quality of life," passionately stated by Linda Baxter, Co-Founder.
Ken and Linda Baxter are Advisors for The Manufacturer's Leadership Council of America. Ken and Linda Baxter toured Ford Motor Company, at Ford's invitation, having the opportunity to not only witness modern manufacturing at its finest, but also engaged regional and national leaders to hear first-hand about winning manufacturing strategies that will save our great nation. As a result, new pathways to accessing leadership and partnerships are developing for Made in America.
Made in America's partnerships will be more important than ever in the years just ahead, as we strive to achieve Made in America's goal, mission, strategic direction and unsurpassed commitment to Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) education, workforce training and innovation. Made in America is a K&L Baxter Family Foundation public charity and headquartered in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Ken Baxter, also known as the "Rocket Man" was selected and approved to venture into outer space in Richard Branson's 2014 Virgin Galactic Space Tour. Few men in recent years have played a more significant role in Southern Nevada's Home Industry than Ken Baxter, founder Performance Marketing. In fact, since 1973 Performance Marketing has completed the sales for over 216 communities and over 56,000 residential homes. Las Vegas entrepreneur and philanthropist Ken Baxter is building a better tomorrow.
The Indiegogo Campaign is now live and will be running until April 8, 2014. Help Linda Baxter help high school students graduate and receive career and technical skills to advance to college and/or acquire employment. Please head to and the name of our campaign is Saving America's High Schools. Please Shout Out! to make some noise and tell our story to the world! Let's Do This! Crowd Funding 101: 13781 Backers x Just $10 = $137,810 for America's High Schools. Give $10? $100? $1,000? More?
Tags: Education, mathematics, science, technology