Low Christmas Club Crime Thanks To CarmaCam

Five out of fifteen Glasgow nightclubs trialed Reveal Media Ltd's cameras in a trial to deter incidents outside the clubs. They were the only company involved to give its CarmaCam RS2 to taxi marshals. The cameras were trialed for 2 weeks and the re

Reveal Media Ltd's Body Worn Video Cameras were used for a new project, created by Strathclyde police, to tackle crime outside clubs in Glasgow. Preliminary results show that the numbers of incidents recorded by the clubs was spectacularly low. The cameras were worn by security personnel who could record potential incidents with unruly clubbers.

Fifteen clubs took part in the Body Worn Camera trial, five of which used Reveal Media's RS2 CarmaCam. The trial lasted for 16 days, over the busy Christmas and New Year clubbing periods. The clubs involved have reported less than ten incidents over the trial period. Police Inspector George Nedley said, "Overall, feedback has been very positive. I'm awaiting confirmation of the number of incidents we've had but I'm advised that they're in single figures which is pretty unique."

Taxi marshals also trialed two CarmaCams. Reveal Media was the only company involved in the trial that decided to include taxi marshals. Their importance is often overlooked, but they also need to help drunken, sometimes abusive, clubbers.

CarmaCam, was the only camera in the trial with a screen on the front. This meant that clubbers could see themselves being filmed and adjusted their behavior. The CarmaCam, unlike head cams or other body worn cameras deters anti-social behavior before it begins. This results in both a reliable record of evidence and fewer incidents to record.

Reveal Media Ltd produces Body Worn Video Cameras and multi-camera management kiosks. It also provides a free software solution to manage video data. For more information, please contact Ellie Surrey: [email protected]. Or visit http://www.revealmedia.com.


Tags: body worn camera, Glasgow Police, reveal media

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