Low Insurance Discusses Michigan Insurance Directory

With many more plans to expand its network of resource for Michigan shoppers, Low Insurance and Security's recent development consists of a Michigan Independent Agent directory where shoppers can find their local independent insurance Agency.

Cole Sileven, CEO of Low Insurance & Security explains the importance of having a list of Independent Agents within the company's low insurance resource - Low-Insurance.org Sileven goes on to say, "Getting a quote from an independent agents seems to be one of the key ingredients to finding a more affordable insurance rate in Michigan. Independent Agents have the ability to compare many different markets to gauge which company will be best suited for the customer."

The Michigan resource is set up to offer shoppers a way to get in contact with the Agency in their own city. Also included is the comparison shopping option where visitors can request a quote Agent(s) ready to be there to service the shopper's needs.

Sileven also discusses the importance of reviewing other factors relating to finding low cost car insurance. "Although comparison shopping with a local agency or comparison quote service is helpful, there are many other ways people can begin spending less on auto insurance - It simply takes a little time and planning to get a highly discounted insurance rate."

For a limited time only, Michigan Independent Agents have been invited to request inclusion in the Low Insurance directory at no cost. However, to be included in the website's online quote system an annual membership fee of $150 per year is required.

Low Insurance and Security has been operating since 2006. For more information regarding the low insurance website, or agency directory inclusion; contact information is provided below.


Tags: auto insurance, auto insurance directory, car insurance

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Cole Sileven
Press Contact, Low Insurance and Security In Michigan