LunaQueen: The Divinely Femine Art of Lunar Charting & Self-Care

For the last 12,000 years females have attempted to acclimate themselves solely to the solar (sun) frequency, when they are in fact lunar/solar frequency beings. This has caused lunacy to develop as females are out of touch with who they are.

LunaQueen, The Divinely Feminine Art of Lunar Charting and Self-Care was released for purchase at This is the first in what is being called the Awakening Series. This two hundred forty four page book sells for $38.80 and is designed to introduce females of all ages to themselves, by providing a lunar charting calendar and research information..

There are 26 moons (months) or two years of lunar charting and one bonus month. The months are named Self-Care, Self-Healing, Self-Control, Self-Love etc., and each month has a quote by a person of renown. The first month of Self-Care consists of the following quotes. "We need to do a better job of putting ourselves higher on our own 'to do' list." First Lady Michele Obama: "Love yourself first, and everything else falls in line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world." Lucille Ball: "Self-care is the greatest health care." Myeka (the author of the book): "Our sense of self is defined by what it is defined through." Guy Finley.

The calendar gives the user an opportunity to create there own name for the month and to ascribe a principle to the month from the long list of principles supplied. They are asked to focus on the principle, lets say love for that month, write poetry or songs, draw pictures, create a play, and reflect on it throughout the month.

The calendar provides a large set of signatures and symbols that can be used to denote changes that occur throughout the month like the beginning and ending of moontime (period), cramps, fear, headaches, feeling on top of the world, etc. It provides space under each day where these numbered signatures can be placed. The goal is for females to chart for a number of months and then see if there are any patterns that can be recognized. Once patterns are recognized the person then has a means for knowing herself and thus taking control her outcome.

The calendar month also provides a Basal Body Chart for the advanced user and other charting features. A four week note taking page is provided for each month and more information is provided on the theme of the month. On the second month, the theme is Self-Healing and in the later section a full spectrum of self-healing techniques are provided like EHT (Emotional Healing Technique) a derivative of the highly effective EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique).

The author states that, "It is only in knowing oneself from the inside out that control can be exerted as it relates to ones emotions, thoughts, language and actions. To often females are trying to control everything and everybody but lack self-control because you can't control what you don't know and females are sorely lacking self-control." She points out that the greatest evidence of this can be seen by the mounting abortion statistics. She says, "Abortion as birth control is a foolish notion. It derives from females not having a sense of self and knowledge of self, for if females knew themselves they would know that the body provides reliable signals each month to inform them of when they are in their fertile time. Just this knowledge alone known would allow females to control whether they get pregnant or not, providing them with a primary choice. Instead females would rather waste time, energy and money squabbling about there right to choose. Choice begins before the sex act is entered into, in that everybody knows that sex can lead to pregnancy and once conception takes place there can only be a reaction to a failure to plan. Females invest in this irresponsible action rather than the later and this has caused a great lost to our world. It bogs our legislative bodies down, creates family division, creates millions of unwanted children who deserve better upon entering the earth plane, it causes massive health problems and has even been the cause of death of doctors who participate and it leaves females guilt ridden and shame faced while at the same time blaming others for their lack of knowledge. I speak as one who had an abortion and this work is my means for ending the ignorance that victimized me."


Tags: female empowerment, fertility, lunar calendar, menarche, menstrual period, moontime, motherhood, pro-choice, pro-life, stress

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