M5 Hosting Adds Hourly Professional Services for Web Hosting Clients

M5 Hosting, a worldwide leader in customized, high performance Linux and BSD dedicated server hosting solutions, today introduced professional systems administration and server management services.

SAN DIEGO - M5 Hosting, a worldwide leader in customized, high performance Linux and BSD dedicated server hosting solutions, today introduced professional systems administration and server management services, allowing businesses to quickly access top system administrators for sophisticated management tasks and periodic specialized technical assistance.

Although all M5 Hosting dedicated servers are customer-managed (with no built-in management services), many customers need periodic assistance in performing difficult or specialized management tasks, such as major upgrades or complicated platform configuration. Since these needs are infrequent, it can be inefficient for a small company or project to hire system administrators willing and capable to complete these specialized tasks.

M5 Hosting has for several years maintained, upgraded, secured and tuned its own systems, and has occasionally helped customers with particularly challenging issues. With today's announcement, however, these services are now broader in scope and are available on an hourly basis to all M5 Hosting customers, regardless of their size.

Although services can be extensively customized, key services now offered include server performance tuning, security hardening, and installation and configuration of 3rd party software.

"We recognize that access to highly-capable and experienced systems administrators is an important business need for our customers. We don't hire entry-level systems administrators we only hire the best. We believe it is far more efficient to have fewer, highly capable people than to have a building full of 'newbies.' Experienced professionals get right to the heart of the issue and get things done. Our customers appreciate it," said Michael J. McCafferty, principal of M5 Hosting.

M5 Hosting Professional Services are provided by Linux systems administrators with between 5 years and 15 years of professional experience. Network engineers boast Cisco's CCNP or CCIE certifications and have a minimum of 5 years professional experience.

To learn more about professional services from M5 Hosting, please visit http://www.m5hosting.com/professionalservices.php.

To learn more about M5 Hosting, please visit http://www.M5Hosting.com or call 1-877-344-4678.

About M5 Hosting

As an industry leader in customized Linux and BSD dedicated server hosting solutions, M5 Hosting serves hundreds of small to medium sized business and enterprises worldwide. M5 Hosting specializes in managing unique client needs, ranging from supporting an individual project or building highly-available, distributed hosting solutions for mission-critical applications. M5 Hosting is based in San Diego, California and was founded in 2001 as a division of M5 Computer Security. To learn more about M5 Hosting, please visit http://www.M5Hosting.com or call 1-877-344-4678.


Tags: dedicated servers, Linux Dedicated Servers, Redhat Dedicated Servers

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M5 Hosting
3368 Governor Drive #F-124
San Diego, CA 92122