Macular Degeneration Association Educational Cruise To The Caribbean

The Macular Degeneration Association, a non-profit organization known for its focus on macular patient education, is hosting an educational cruise from January 22 - 29, 2012. Cruisers will set sail out of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida on Royal Caribbeanâ

MDA developed its educational cruise program to provide the macular community with an exciting forum to learn about age-related macular degeneration (AMD) while connecting with fellow AMD-affected individuals from all over the world.

MDA Scientific Co-founder Dr. Michael J. Tolentino devised a series of lectures and workshops to educate attendees on the diagnosis, management and future of AMD. Dr. Tolentino recruited experts in the macular field to join the program as cruise faculty members. Cruisers will attend various lectures and participate in planned organized activities and low vision clinics.

While sailing to the Caribbean with MDA, cruisers can form meaningful connections, travel, and experience exciting adventures, all while learning about therapies and treatments designed specifically to improve quality of life. The first MDA cruise boasts a unique faculty of macular specialists, giving cruisers unrivaled access to prominent experts in the vision care field.

"Macular degeneration is a disease of epidemic proportions, robbing individuals of their sight, but it is not something patients are completely helpless against," said MDA Chairman Larry Hoffheimer, "MDA is committed to encouraging patients to take initiative when it comes to their vision. We hope this cruise will provide an exciting forum for macular patients to unite and learn about treatments that will slow the progress of AMD, and save vision not yet lost to the disease."

The deadline to register for the cruise is November 3, 2011. Contact Terry Steele at 800-422-0711 to register. To learn more about MDA and the MDA Educational Cruise Program, contact Lynne Henry at (941)870-4399 or email [email protected]. Visit MDA online at

The Macular Degeneration Association is a nonprofit health organization dedicated to educating and empowering age-related macular degeneration patients all across the world. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is an increasingly prevalent degenerative eye disease, affecting millions of aging seniors. The mission of MDA is to educate patients on the latest advances in treating AMD. However, our focus extends far beyond diagnosed patients. We are committed to the senior population at large, those most at risk of developing macular degeneration.

Our goal is to provide information about risk factors, genetic predisposition, and proper diagnosis, as well as preventative efforts and treatment options that will likely reduce the most adverse effect of AMD, blindness. MDA is passionate about funding and developing sophisticated patient education and advocacy programs designed to improve macular patients' quality of life. This is accomplished through the Association's patient education conferences and seminars held nationwide.

The Association honors its commitment to prioritizing patient education by aligning itself with experts in the macular field, investigating retina-related scientific breakthroughs, and disseminating new scientific advances to macular patients across the world. We strongly believe that providing support, education and empowerment to the millions of people living with age-related macular degeneration will improve patient quality of life, and energize the retina field to develop advances in treating AMD.

It is our hope that encouraging knowledge and awareness will ultimately lead to a cure.
For more information, please visit the MDA website at:


Tags: cruise, disease, Education, travel

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Brian Curro
Press Contact, Macular Degeneration Association