MAD Internet Records - the Newest Record Label!

MAD Internet Inc have launched their very own Record Label and its public on their website.

​MAD Internet launched their label today at around 12pm

​MAD Internet said when we asked them that "We are proud to launch the label, we've been thinking about getting into the music business for quite some time now but wasn't sure which direction to go in. We later decided that a record label was a nice way to go".  There has been hints that the company could be developing a streaming service as seen from the MAD Internet music page and online talk through social networks such as Twitter.

The label claims to have "high acceptance rate" but how easy is it for a artist to get signed with them, well you tell us in the comments below. The company says it can offer "CD printing, Publishing, Management, Support" and much more. There are no signs that suggest they already have artists signed to their name but there is no evidence to say that there isn't.

MAD Internet Inc currently have 3.6 Million users in total so artists should have a big audience seen as the label will presumably use the sites full capacity to promote the artists within the label.

MAD Internet Records are currently accepting demo tracks from the public so if your an un-signed artist, head over to the site and submit your demo. Don't forget to let us know how it goes in the comments below.

To find out more visit the MAD Internet Records website at :


Tags: mad internet, mad internet label records, record labels, records, un-signed artists